LOL sage getting 0% pick rate next big tourney. She isn't even the best "staller" anymore.
Flag: | Australia |
Registered: | July 20, 2020 |
Last post: | March 8, 2025 at 10:53 AM |
Posts: | 3193 |
LOL sage getting 0% pick rate next big tourney. She isn't even the best "staller" anymore.
probably 100T since him and nitro have been playing a lot together recently
fair enough. I guess i was referring to the scene as a whole with that one, with people like Roca and ScreaM playing her a lot.
Cypher with 100% (close enough) pick rate, although i dont think he is op.
I think he is an integral part of the game and doesn't need any kind of nerfs.
omen also with very high pick rates, especially over brimstone.
I'd say this is because of the OP's dominance and the high Jett pick rates and is very meta dependent.
Reyna being played a lot more with success by some teams, most notably Tenz. Seems like they can really use her to her full potential.
and finally, viper... she has no identity. They need to make her the "mass smoke" agent and stop focusing on her smoke damage, because that isn't why people pick controllers.
i dont think Envy can beat Sentinels but i do think C9 can.
the AU stalker of*
Crash is everywhere lol
DIG have upset TSM twice but haven't been beating other teams. I think Sentinels take this one.
He's just so consistently good.
hltv is nice but they shouldn't feel forced to copy it 1:1, in fact i would encourage them to innovate.
unexpected but deserved
Tenz will drop 80 and still lose 2-0
damn i wish
hope Ska can find his form and come back strong. would hate to see him underperform
People are hyping up the NA and EU rivalries but Asia and Oceania are looking very scary indeed.
Feels bad for Venerated, he would reliably top score when Hiko wasn't. He might have left on his own accord, seeing that his long time teammates were getting dropped.
if there are any mods that see this, the event information page says that the prize pool is $150,000 AUD.
it would definitely be exciting to see them join TSM and sentinels in the S-tier.
he left with no regrets, smart guy
will 1 map loss break G2's win streak?
Liquid have the power of well-edited frag montages on their side
5th map lets gooo
Damn I'm kinda ret@rded
Here we go
EZ 4 Sentinels
TSM wanted that win. Holy
Sentinels bouta whoop TSM's ass again
Come on Hiko
OCE Val :D
Nice. Org to the rescue
This will be a hot game.
Sonii was pretty good... definitely one of the stronger players on Team ninja, hope he finds a new team after getting snaked.
EXO will turn up strong after 2nd place last tourney 100%
they replay 1 map (in this case, haven)
saw it live, good shit
yeah that's really frustrating.