Flag: Brazil
Registered: August 9, 2023
Last post: August 24, 2023 at 6:32 PM
Posts: 216
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If Kru goes out of champs 4-0 , then what does it say about the wtf kru smoked evryone in Lcq and what is even the gap between champs teams and other Americas team,holyy and if NRG loses today it's fucking done..
Rest in the hands of Eg and loud ( they still have to make it out of groups)

posted 9 months ago

Lesss fuckin goooo

posted 9 months ago

Bro has no enemies

posted 9 months ago

True asf

posted 9 months ago

True but when Brazil fans do it, it's just Brazil fans and not the entire val community and cuckholds like commend making stupid statements on twitter..
Everyone hates the brazil fans but Pampers the kang kang meat riders, both are the same....
I completely respect the eg fans even tho they don't have that much, never seen them sending death threats or even go on a rant at twitter..on vlr evryones the same

posted 9 months ago

Not at all, i would love too see keznit shoot back at demon1s body and loud have already done it and they settled it in game rather than going on a rant and sending threats on twitter...
Go watch loud shooting demon1 body on yt

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

πŸ’«RENT - FREE πŸ’«

posted 9 months ago

Honestly I feel beating giants is a bigger task than beating edg, i know edg defeated giants but giants looked far more structured and if we win against that and play anti aggression against edg we are golden

posted 9 months ago

Can we make it out of groups ??
Like if we win today, what are our chances against edg ...

posted 9 months ago

Aspas is a proven goat unlike kang kang

posted 9 months ago

True but I read couple of people from China commenting they want to kill demon 1 IRL or some shit like broπŸ’€πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

posted 9 months ago

Copy pasta

posted 9 months ago

Snowflakes and they inflated the situation

What boostio said?
China will never catch up to NA ( Now this is arrogant but he did admit he was wrong and no one cares), then he said the game just released there and if NA keeps grinding it would be hard to

keep up , but individually they are all insane ( This is the truth and there is no sugar coating it )
Then he said fpx and BLG have the least experience ( this is the truth as well)

Now to demon1

He never spoke anything about china in reality, said the game was easy and it was indeed easy ( butt hurt people inflated this too much especially the 10yo chinnese kids who haven't watched any eSports before)
Now he did body shot which is pretty common and he does this to every team regardless whether they are Chinese or not ( but these kang kang meat riders took out the victim card and called him racist), now not everything is about china but these people are so full of themselves not all but some of em....Now people need to realise it's bunch of pixels and he was shooting their heads 2 sec earlier...

But whatever, just send death threats to a guy who shot bodies in a video game

Now if u look at the great Chinese player's
They screams, shouts ,stands up and DISRESPECTS thier entire opponents (BLG AND KANG KANG) on stage
But they are sweet and charming πŸ₯°

Eg dosn't do any of that and demon1 especially have 0 reaction to almost everything..
Now these is the real situation..
And evryone and their mom hates EG and calls them the villians..
Demon1 said they don't give a fuck..
But these clowns just labels eg as villians and calls them cringe like bruhh πŸ’€πŸ’€..
They didn't even say shit about being villian, these guys call eg villians and also says they are trying too hard to be the villian like didn't u guys here they don't care..
Plus they didn't say all of this out of context ( it was a interview and they were asked about China and they just replied)
Leave them alone .. don't support or whatever but painting these people like they have committed 9/11 is CRINGE 🀣



posted 9 months ago

Snowflakes and they inflated the situation

What boostio said?
China will never catch up to NA ( Now this is arrogant but he did admit he was wrong and no one cares), then he said the game just released there and if NA keeps grinding it would be hard to

keep up , but individually they are all insane ( This is the truth and there is no sugar coating it )
Then he said fpx and BLG have the least experience ( this is the truth as well)

Now to demon1

He never spoke anything about china in reality, said the game was easy and it was indeed easy ( butt hurt people inflated this too much especially the 10yo chinnese kids who haven't watched any eSports before)
Now he did body shot which is pretty common and he does this to every team regardless whether they are Chinese or not ( but these kang kang meat riders took out the victim card and called him racist), now not everything is about china but these people are so full of themselves not all but some of em....Now people need to realise it's bunch of pixels and he was shooting their heads 2 sec earlier...

But whatever, just send death threats to a guy who shot bodies in a video game

Now if u look at the great Chinese player's
They screams, shouts ,stands up and DISRESPECTS thier entire opponents (BLG AND KANG KANG) on stage
But they are sweet and charming πŸ₯°

Eg dosn't do any of that and demon1 especially have 0 reaction to almost everything..
Now these is the real situation..
And evryone and their mom hates EG and calls them the villians..
Demon1 said they don't give a fuck..
But these clowns just labels eg as villians and calls them cringe like bruhh πŸ’€πŸ’€..
They didn't even say shit about being villian, these guys call eg villians and also says they are trying too hard to be the villian like didn't u guys here they don't care..
Plus they didn't say all of this out of context ( it was a interview and they were asked about China and they just replied)
Leave them alone .. don't support or whatever but painting these people like they have committed 9/11 is CRINGE 🀣

posted 9 months ago

That would be funny

posted 9 months ago

Absolute GOATS
Much better than this >>>πŸ‘‡

What happens in a video game, settle it there....
Why shout and scream at your opponents
It is whatever, it's still entertaining NGL
but why demon 1 & less are the only one to get blamed here and called a clown (at least they keep it in game)

TBH none of the this guy's stands a chance at a real fight KEKEW (Especially the Bilibili dudes)

posted 9 months ago

Could have been 10/10 but Navi is getting grouped

posted 9 months ago

Yes Atleast i don't cry over a BM in a video game unlike ur soft ass

posted 9 months ago

Aspas and loud does shoot bodies and comparing to demon1,they both doesn't do the rest of the things except for the twitter trash talk

posted 9 months ago

Yeah I jus created it for champs and talk shit to people like u who posts dumb shit

posted 9 months ago

Semen 1 mechanics >>>> all the duelist frauds, if he is feeling it he clears all with 1 bullet for the head and another 30 for the dead body 🫑+extremely humble 😊

posted 9 months ago

Yeah sure buddy, go clear giants or kru first and get out of the group , good luck

posted 9 months ago

They are like that, one of the worst fanbase I have ever seen ..not all em but some of em are annoying and braindead asf, atleast NA fans have some good banter... Finatic fucks on the other hand things they rule the world just cause they won two valorant trophy, always poking around where their opinion isn't needed and making stupid threads ...

posted 9 months ago

Underrated asf.

posted 9 months ago

Fraudnatic getting shiver in their timbers

posted 9 months ago

Someone owns the fraudnatic and EMEA IS DONE

posted 9 months ago

Idk some Asians like soyboys,look at BTS and stuff... boaster is a soy boy so they love him

posted 9 months ago

Ohhhh yah hope ur saviour boaster owns them, were ur feelings so hurt from egs banter awwwww don't worry lil boy.....Loud owning ur stupid liquid as we speak, they gonna own finatic too if they get out of their group

posted 9 months ago

No loud is winning and they'll will be back

posted 9 months ago

Go outside loser, if finatic ain't tbagging why should bot1 πŸ€“"...why ?? Cause he fucking felt like doing so and who tf are u , just a clown on vlr pretending finatic rules the world just cause they won 2 valorant trophies.... it's a video game and shooting some pixels dosn't mean shit..grow a spine u pathetic loser

posted 9 months ago

Holyy shit this thread is full of finatic meat riders, it's not even fair or just supporting...these finatic fanbase are ready to get fucking naked in front of boaster holyyy can't even take a soft BM in a video game..go outside

posted 9 months ago

Eg has a fanbase of mature people like me , not like the cuck fanbase of finatic which are mostly 15yo soft kids who buys cringe ass boaster stickers

posted 9 months ago

Demon1 is russian

posted 9 months ago

Go watch eg cOm on twitch and u see the most humble and real guy on this scene

posted 9 months ago

Brother who cares, it's not that deep ..
Even if he wins or not it doesn't matter, no one stays relevant in eSports for that long anyway regardless if they are humble or not . Val t2 is pretty much done at this point and t1 would have been boring asf if it weren't for the dramas (most of which is caused by eg and demon1) they are just trying to get people pissed off and watch the games and at the end of the day it's still a video game and u shouldn't be fuming on a guy for saying what he likes or does and he didn't even do anything to deserve that much hate honestly, shooting bodies dosn't mean shit if he was shooting their head 2 sec earlier and saying the game was light (🀣 c'mon bro) and atlast he said it himself he doesn't care what guys on the internet thinks, So why care...just saying i am ashamed i already spent like 1 min on this but yah sure brother go pray for his downfall or whatever all I am saying it's silly

posted 9 months ago

πŸ“Έ πŸ™ŒπŸ€£
This one is definitely going on my CRINGE LIST

Bro ur the type of guy who is actually stupid asf trying to sound smart and philosophical, ur not now go touch some grass...

And ofc i believe in karma..
But bro writing philosophy about it based on a dude who clicks some pixels, holyyy ur probably the dumbest guy i have met on the internet..
Get on meds for autism bro

posted 9 months ago

I think they got mentally destroyed by eg like especially tuyz , before their game with eg they were looking solid and it seems like they were in their peak champ 2022 form again

posted 9 months ago

Idk bro some people say it's because he have a gf now but we can't really blame the dude for having a love life .

posted 9 months ago

Everyone hyping up something,derke,whzy and kang kang and there is no sight of the duelist god aspas.It hurts to see he isn't even in the discussion. I think he is the best duelist of all time and it would be spicy if loud comesback and qualify cause the storylines now are already insane.

posted 9 months ago

Here it comes

posted 9 months ago

unfazed CHAD, even if he loses in the future can't disagree he has some balls of steel

posted 9 months ago

Keznit woke up for 2 rounds and he went back to sleep again

posted 9 months ago

I am sniffing a 13-0 NGL

posted 9 months ago

Demon1 doesn't expect anything form anyone, guy dosn't give a flying fuck to begin with

posted 9 months ago

Gotta say he is insane

posted 9 months ago

Ohh yeah yah , reading people getting pissed off at body shooting and trash talking in a video game is hella fun to read hahahah 😊 yeah I did spend couple of min reading some of those

posted 9 months ago

Ohh hahaha 😊 no no I wish I could like him thoπŸ™ƒ

posted 9 months ago

U guys shouldn't worry too much, these guys have been talking shit on eg for the past year and they'll continue to do so regardless of the BM or anything. They will keep on barking like stray dogs while none of em wouldn't even have the balls to hold a mouse straight at an event like champions. Eg have made some insane improvement and they'll continue to do so and possibly win a trophy and all these haters are gonna pipe down eventually

posted 9 months ago

I have seen u on almost every demon 1/eg thread hating on him, sure brook buddy go on spent ur time typing shit about him while demon1 secures the bag for clicking some heads on a video game..Get a life bro

posted 9 months ago
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