Flag: India
Registered: April 4, 2022
Last post: April 25, 2024 at 1:43 PM
Posts: 139
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Mostly LF will be 6th man with Lmemore in playing 5.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Rent free rent free

posted about a year ago

Internet explorer moment.

posted about a year ago

Aayoooo. πŸ“Έ

posted about a year ago

Lord Psynath Supremacy πŸ›πŸ›πŸ›

posted about a year ago

Aah. I remember. During the first PMIS. Man the org has come a long way from there. Good to know.

posted about a year ago

He's a fking fake flagger.

posted about a year ago

Goo touch grass my friend.

posted about a year ago

Kappa Xeppa bhai bhai

posted about a year ago

Man we lost fair and square.
Stop giving excuses now.
And btw if I am not wrong, in SG server both teams get equal ping yeah? So what's the point of bringing that up?

posted about a year ago

As #60 said. It's not really viable to setup a gaming space in another city just for a few tourneys. The ROI just isn't there. And also for the fact that even they know that the skill gap bw SA and SEA isn't that close enough to the extent that it's only the ping that acts as a deciding factor of who's gonna win.

posted about a year ago

Oh lol. That's great man.

posted about a year ago

Dayum brotha.
IIT se ho kya bro XD.

posted about a year ago

I mean I am from Bangalore and yes it's more or less similar in terms of how established the cities are.
But idk man, except for GE, up until now, 95% of the tourneys that they play are within SA so ig to capitalise on that they had it set up in Mumbai.
And now since they have made significant capital investments there. I dont think they'll shift to Bangalore.
Especially considering the fact that only GE made it to franchise, resulting in other orgs main tourney which they'll play of SG server will be Ascension.
So i don't think they'll shift just bcoz of that.

posted about a year ago

I mean Eraser is good imo but there are better coaches out there. So maybe push him as an assistant coach and get a better one.

posted about a year ago

A lot of people do not speak Hindi in Chennai and also the fact that Mumbai is a corporate hub makes it a better fit for orgs to be so that they could grow better.

posted about a year ago

Bruh you are just brain ded. Leave this forum and stop making a fool out of yourself here.

posted about a year ago

Bruuuh. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

RIP Grammer. But A for effort my man.

posted about a year ago

Though I am from India, I'd love to see a team from China. EDG had their first official and inspite of being underdogs they performed really well.
A slot for them would've been great.

posted about a year ago

Man would love to see an OCE player get into franchise. Esp with a team like GE.

posted about a year ago

He never mentioned skrossi.
Man's living in your head.

posted about a year ago

Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free. Rent free.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wrong. At that time he had no other org in SA to play for. T69 was the best SA org at that time which had a slot available. All other orgs had full rosters.
He and Badlove outperformed in T69 and hence were picked up by XLE and Weird eSports respectively.
If not for T69 he would've just played with some random 4 ppl.

posted about a year ago

See. Lets take LCQ for that matter.
Only 2 teams represented SA. Now just for these 2 teams why should the other 8-10 whatever number of teams play Mumbai server if they match up against us.
We are a minor sub region in APAC. To make this argument with Riot we need to prove that we are worth it. And also we all knew the fact that GE, VLT and Enigma wouldn't stand a chance against them even in Mumbai server.
GE travelled to SG right? The result was still the same.

posted about a year ago

Keep using this excuse.

posted about a year ago

Make a thread for this now. Come on πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

Keep crying

posted about a year ago

Man's making a fool out of himself in a public platform. πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

The 5 players are individually too good. They brute forced their way most of the game.
GE on the other hand can't do that.

posted about a year ago

Kd is lower coz they lost more rounds as a team. R u dumb?
On an individual level Rossi had more impact in getting the 10 rounds than deryeon did in getting 13.

posted about a year ago

We play in APAC for official tourneys. There SG is decided as the common server. Either you play in SG server or don't participate at all. Simple

posted about a year ago

How good is he?
Just curious

posted about a year ago

I get Rushi's point that Kappa is giving it his best in terms of grinding.
But then just working hard is not enough, especially if the hard work is not shown where it actually matters.

Hopefully he knows that the whole world will be watching his team perform at Brazil and the management would think a million times before prioritising him over the other 4 players.
Lets just hope for the best and pray that GE keep their emotions aside while deciding on the active roster for franchise.

posted about a year ago

Firstly Noble and now EStar. Feeling bad for my man Sssami. Such a deserving player he is.

posted about a year ago

Not for long. A few more months at max is what I feel. I know it's a bit late now and that this was supposed to happen wayyyyy earlier. But then as long as he isn't in the top 6, i dont really mind.

posted about a year ago

Rushi sir also said that they are trying to make a championship winning roster right. The 10 players that are going to Korea, one of which is Kappa for sure, will compete for the top 6. Pretty sure Kappa wouldn't make it to top 6.
But if he makes it, then its a GG.

posted about a year ago

My man got baited by a copypasta πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

Let's just stop with this. Just be happy that SA won a few matches today. No need to dig up past matches to shame GE.
We all know Kappa aint playing in the main 5 after this tourney anyways.

posted about a year ago

Kohlii isn't gonna go to Korea ig. In one of his twitch lives Rushi said that Kohlii is in his first year of college. So managing full time studies with the league happening in Korea is not possible ig. And i don't think he's gonna quit his college for this.
Let's see

posted about a year ago

As an Indian all I could say is that 90% of the Indians spreading hate are a bunch of 15-16 y.o keyboard warriors.
So sick of this shit.

posted about a year ago

Indo getting 60-70 ping in Mumbai server. Noxxy tweeted it.
Keep crying.

posted about a year ago
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