Flag: Morocco
Registered: April 13, 2022
Last post: September 22, 2024 at 10:31 AM
Posts: 435
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You know they r moroccans right?

posted about a year ago

I think they need 2 maybe?

posted about a year ago

off topic

posted about a year ago

Post more be active

posted about a year ago

Ready to help anytime if u need a graphic designer just dm me + ready to play

posted about a year ago

make a discord server pls

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i did all of them if u look closely

posted about a year ago

Always avoid the four "stupids"...
1) Don't go to "stupid" places,
2) at "stupid" times,
3) doing "stupid" things,
4) with "stupid" people.

posted about a year ago

i mean looks or beauty in general r subjectif, i won't say im the most handsome guy here but ngl im good looking

posted about a year ago

they still have that gradient from 2012 in the colored version, even if they go with flat design that thing is outdated

posted about a year ago

29 Sup lil bro

posted about a year ago

streamers logo what did you expect even global esport have better logo

posted about a year ago

my dream is to have stable 60 ping XD

posted about a year ago

you can watch fnatic or team liquid

posted about a year ago

you need to watch eu thems play first! i dont think you will like a team based on someone else suggestion

posted about a year ago

i have 15% packet loss more than him and im still blaming myself

posted about a year ago

when i play there is 95% chance that i get packet lose close to 15/20% in some rounds it gets up and down , the only thing helps me temporarly reduce my ping and packet loss is resetting my internet and always checking if my ping is stable enough, if u have a adsl router then go to CMD run it as admin, and type : netsh int ipv4 set subinterface “Ethernet” mtu=1400 store=persistent this will set your MTU to 1400 u can test it if u want to see the best mtu for you by typing this line in cmd : ping -f -l 1400 or ping -f -l 1372 keep expermenting with it change the value
1400 or 1372 or 1300 or 1340 one of them might work fine and hopefully this can work for u

posted about a year ago

all i can say im the oldest here

posted about a year ago

i remember the same thing happened to EDG, random accounts with edg flair were hyping them here and people started hating them. When they got eliminated, all those who were hyping them disappeard lol

posted about a year ago

ip, mac adress browser etc ...

posted about a year ago

yes discord server is needed

posted about a year ago

guys if u like the idea dont forget to upvote this post so more people can see it, ty

posted about a year ago

lets call it VLR.GG COMMUNITY CUP, if admins willing to add post game stats in the site that would be so cool

posted about a year ago

if its true just imagine how much hate u have to deal with XD

posted about a year ago

Good idea ++

posted about a year ago

😂 🤣🤣🤣

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

next year its gonna be way harder than now! Do you think they can make it in Ascension?

posted about a year ago

L Take this R

posted about a year ago

we have more players enough to make us a decent server, u never know the pain of 80+ ping

posted about a year ago

its funny people making joke abt mena teams doesn't appear in international events !! they have 1 vrl to compete in compare it to europe Turkey DACH CIS Europe Northern Europe France Spain Europe East, ITS NOT FUCKIN FAIR and despit the neglect they r playing very well they dont even have a server, all we were asking for is 2 vrls one for ME (middle east) and one for NA (North Africa) but yeah keep disrespecting us while we have 0 chances to be playing in your "international events"

posted about a year ago

lol that just makes u sound stupid, bahrain has less players than egypt let alone the whole north afirca and they have their server!!

posted about a year ago

it is bro, i have to play in 70 - 90 ping most of the time! the funniest thing is they merged middle east with north africa lol they r in 2 different continents but i guess ME & NA are mostly arab so that might make sense, a server in tunisia or morocco is the soulition but i know thats not gonna happen sadly

posted about a year ago

Im calling it split is back in the next update/act !!

posted about a year ago

dude some braindead players in plat gold lobby get mad when i play op, i have never meet someone in-game who think of operator as a hard weapon to the point i strarted doubting myself thats why i made this thread!

posted about a year ago

I play op btw
i will copy this and use it whenever someone call me op noob no skill lol :D

Ps: and No this thread was not meant to be a bait

posted about a year ago

I dont know why people rating this 0/8 its a serious thread lol i have never baited in this forum btw i was mid game playing op and some kids got butthurt calling me " nope op no skills "
Chill peeps not every thrrad has to be a bait grew up lol

posted about a year ago

does operator require no skills? if so why only few plays it?

posted about a year ago

i hate them
i love them

posted about a year ago

nt now get this R

posted about a year ago

scream in his last stream that he is still liquid, but he looks kinda upset i guess? maybe his brother is the one who is leaving!

posted about a year ago

please refrain from using religion, keep this place safe for us please i feel offended as a muslim
Ty in advance

posted about a year ago

fav color : black, fav drink : tea, fav player : 15677d8145cc5485981f0c87e32f42f6

posted about a year ago

basketball is famous in us only meanwhile football is a worldwide game :D

posted about a year ago
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