Flag: United States
Registered: August 8, 2020
Last post: October 16, 2021 at 12:00 PM
Posts: 199
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No just cut psalm and get a cracked duelist, Makka is a great fragging sova and just good overall

posted about 4 years ago

Fragging in round of 128 and 64? Lol that's not showing his worth

He's shit vs good teams

posted about 4 years ago

How the fuck is psalm still in this team and still a DUELIST?

The man is a terrible fragger ffs, Rara comes in and look at how he frags

Psalm has been on duelists for so long and he can't frag

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

He was doing damage in post plants and saving

posted about 4 years ago

Sumn execs on bind with that comp are coom worthy, u could bust a nut to those execs and post plants

posted about 4 years ago

Subroza was so ass the entire tournament, played like a boomer player

posted about 4 years ago

This isn't an upset, surprised Andbox dropped a map

posted about 4 years ago

Android is the best player in NA and its not close

posted about 4 years ago

Good job tournament organizers

Please open a gofundme for a brain transplant

posted about 4 years ago

Take this L boiii

Dicey out, useless jett and useless sage

They need more firepower with nitr0 out he was out fragging his own jett

posted about 4 years ago

Android about to shit on those kiddos

posted about 4 years ago

The result doesn't matter, the tier of teams does

You have had Sentinels beat TSM like 13-1 does that mean that match shouldn't be streamed?

posted about 4 years ago

Whoever decides in these tourneys which games are streamed deserves a brain transplant

This has been happening in valorant so much holy fuck, how do u pick those shit matches and no stream in great matches?

posted about 4 years ago

He's a shit jett anyway with no impact

He will be the first one to get kicked for sure, they will need more firepower with nitr0 out and realize this

posted about 4 years ago

Steel getting cucked by some streamer u loved to see it

posted about 4 years ago

He isn't even that marketable, he has like 10k youtube subs, like 70k in twitter and averages like 400 viewers on twitch

His hype lasted like 10 minutes and nobody really cares anymore

posted about 4 years ago

Remove psalm too, the kid won on fortnite but he's not a good duelist in this

posted about 4 years ago

That's how Dazed calls and not on fRod lol, pretty much how steel calls too

Default, take map control, hit a site

posted about 4 years ago

Good move by him, pointless when you are a big streamer like he is to be a pro unless you really love competing

Long practice hours and can't stream during those + streaming you will have no time to live a life, that's why ace never went pro either

I wouldn't be surprised if Wardell does it too because his schedule is insane, i doubt the man even leaves his house but he said he loves competing so idk

posted about 4 years ago

Android is big dickin on these kids

Arguably best aimer in Valorant NA rn

posted about 4 years ago

Kudos to faze, losing to ninja which can be a career ending move to reaching the finals and playing very well vs Sentinels

posted about 4 years ago

TSM got anal'd

And they were defending too on ascent lol, maybe they should try using sentinel now?

posted about 4 years ago

Even ranked games don't have 4v5s at bombsite A while sova holds B on his own and then gets overwhelmed when they TP

This was the biggest shitshow

posted about 4 years ago




posted about 4 years ago

They streamed 100T vs NV despite 5 100T streaming the game themselves meanwhile GenG vs Sentinels had no stream

The event organizers seem to be idiots

posted about 4 years ago

No stream? Are u fucking serious lmao

posted about 4 years ago

At this point im wonder if everyone in the NA scene memes about NV being the absolute best, because if you ask all the pros they all say "well Envy are nuts so they are favorites"

posted about 4 years ago

Cringe lord stop sucking pro dick, he sucked and that's why he was removed

The only reason he was there because Tenz was friends with him, nothing against the guy he aint good move on

posted about 4 years ago

Thank fuck, a literal bot

I think they are getting leaf, extremely talented CS player that i bet will frag out in Valorant

posted about 4 years ago

GGs, sick series by 100T

TSM made so many mistakes and lost so many dumb clutches they deserve to lose this

posted about 4 years ago

If Riot doesn't nerf the classic they will show that they're just morons that know nothing about competitive FPS, there are pros now not taking sheriffs on the ground for the classic because u can just jump at people with it

posted about 4 years ago

Again, that 1v2 by Hiko loses them the entire thing

TSM have been having those 1-2 rounds that they should absolutely win but they don't and haven't been winning rounds that they shouldn't which they usually do

This is tough, 3-0 now i guess or at best 3-1

posted about 4 years ago

He wasn't dominating but had some great impactful rounds, even without kills, those two smokes in the B split to isolate hazed won them OT, and he held B great with knives and allowed his team to rotate

posted about 4 years ago

I mean TSM completely threw in that thrifty at 11-7, they could have won but kudos 100T in a map where they are not comfortable at all they knew all the TSM tendencies and played it so well

That round though completely fucked TSM, they would have 13-7 it easily but lost to some ghosts

Also steel with the confidence of fucking boomer, all the peeks and ground he took as a KILLJOY was insane

posted about 4 years ago

Where are u even getting those stats

He doesn't have the highest ADR in valorant, not even close not even the best in NA

He has 152 ADR, like 20th in NA

posted about 4 years ago

Sinatra aint bad but with the way people talk about him you would think he was Valorant s1mple, he's not even top 10 in NA

posted about 4 years ago

Dicey was like a roblox player or some shit idk

posted about 4 years ago

9 CS players in the final, CS master race

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Everyone in the valorant scene hates zombs and even his own org had to make him officially apologize for being a moron and lying on stream

Zombs is a bitch

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

The underdogs losing those thrifty rounds is just what throws the match, watch 100T lose now because of running into a stack of stingers and not even having one person go A to at least check something

posted about 4 years ago

Debatable, Subroza was more impactful on split while Drona definitely was more impactful on ascent, 6 entries plus he was insane overall clearing shit with his molly and flashes

I think that overall in terms of consistency and what he does Drone is just the most underrated player NA, he's up there with those stars but doesn't get the hype because he doesn't stream a lot and doesn't have that personality

posted about 4 years ago

NV have been great on split with that comp and have dominated, there is no need to change anything there

posted about 4 years ago

People talk Wardell, Subroza they get all the attention, Drone is their most impactful player idc

posted about 4 years ago

Damn they got dicked Prime Mandingo style lmaoooo

posted about 4 years ago

People used to say TSM all aim no brain/strats and shit but they're so coordinated, have very good strats in both sides and play so well together

It's G2 that are that type of team that seem that seem to play like a pug team

posted about 4 years ago

Let's hope zombs get anal'd by the much superior CS pros

posted about 4 years ago
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