Both gonna get destroyed by EDG anyways
Flag: | International |
Registered: | May 25, 2022 |
Last post: | July 29, 2024 at 4:35 PM |
Posts: | 2741 |
on round 2, they bought 2-3 rifles/guardians and 2 ghosts instead of specters so they usually had 4-5 rifles coming into the bonus round
unfortunately, this man was correct; APAC shakin rn
The final of champions will be OG LDN UTD vs EDG
its working?
FPX has to win haven their breeze is terrible
Probably the pressure of being NA 1st seed got to them
Saw BCJ and stopped reading
??? what is victor doing here, he isn't even top player on OPTIC
IDK, either one is fine
You mean titless minor region?
After watching DRX vs Floptic, DRX are looking better than PRX ngl
South Park>Family Guy>Simpsons
you must be high on crack to say Fracture is S tier
If someone else played sage, FNC wouldn't have lost map 1
DRX 2-0, FPX 2-0
bye bye optic
FNC saving strats; lower bracket run incomming
Title, Derke drops 50 every map
Xset could have won at least 10 times if they didn't throw
lets be real, xerxia put up a good fight. Had me sweating buckets ngl
Idk since it was just the first episode but the animation seems kinda choppy. The anime also skipped over some parts of the light novel so if you want some more in depth story then read the light novel before watching the anime.
sage can res people, probably can make millions if she wanted to
3-4th best tbh