I can go to your profile and find a shit ton of bad takes, in fact I'll name one, saadhak is better than fns (how can you say the best igl in the world is second to saadhak, he really good but fns is better)
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Registered: | September 8, 2022 |
Last post: | January 24, 2025 at 11:07 PM |
Posts: | 653 |
I can go to your profile and find a shit ton of bad takes, in fact I'll name one, saadhak is better than fns (how can you say the best igl in the world is second to saadhak, he really good but fns is better)
I mean you have a talent of having bad takes, no?
WhAt RaNk ArE YoU? Why tf does it matter what rank I am, it doesn't affect my argument. I don't even want to argue anymore because talking to someone who doesn't listen is pointless. Also you are stupid if you think any one thinks scream is good only because he good at aiming. Scream is no FNS in term of igling, but he understand the game enough to understand what he can get away with his aim and to call plays and strats. Also stop calling people bots when you are the biggest one here calling everyone a bot or bad at the game because they dont agree.
It is mindblowing how stupid you are, you would rather attack someone than prove your point with logic and reasoning, all you want to do is call a player shit and get mad that people don't agree with you. You are literally pathetic, I don't like how he played in liquid and how he won those matches that I wanted nothing more for him to lose, but sometimes you just got to accept that you are wrong and just admire some of his skill.
As much as you hate it, you have to be good to get placed top 8 in champion that is something a trash player can't do
I am sorry to say this, but he is probably perfectly rated
I am sorry to say this, but he is probably perfectly rated
But it is a good match because it's so chaotic, no?
It's not gonna happen but would be crazy if it happen
It is the first ace, when s0m got the 5k it says flawless (if it was an ace it would says ace) but in anthem case he kill everyone once ( an ace) and the ace banner show up, so Anthem has the first ace of the tourney
I am with the APAC copium, I want to Suggest play some more international games
DFM 13-11 Giants
DFM 7-13 Giants
DFM 16-14 Giants
I really thought he would be the weakest link, but Im glad he proved me wrong
Guy doesnt know the infamous EU Killer 100t. ALso forgot Xset run in Champion
They real problem is they dont know how to play W streamer
why does EU speak for NA/SA/LATAM, bruh we have so many more team that are good
I think people keep forgetting that NRG (optic core) has alway had a slow start in map 1. Map 2 is where you might see who is the better team
NRG winning their map pick as they should, also kekw once again EU getting too big for their britches when will they watch the game and shit talk when they win the map
unlike EU we dont have only one or two good teams we have multiple
Bruh how are you going to say that 100t is overrated for that reason when the same reasoning can be used for PRX.
Yo that is crazy, what some pussy does to a motherfucker
your prediction was just as bad lol
you do know he did better on jett then aspas in one of their matches right
his jett is very similar to chamber in terms of skill, I havent seen a huge drop between his chamber acs and his jett acs
Nothing in the world can save you if you think that is what mint chocolate taste like
I'm not a fan of Shahzam, but even I gotta admit, he is pretty based on his favorite ice cream flavor
you do know some of them are ascendant and like one is radiant I think
I disagree, the jett on your team should at least be top 3, they are insane. I have never seen someone play so high level so consistently like them.
Actually 2 for Sen (SicK and Tenz)
apparently before this 100t had two wins and 2 lost against NRG and according to Asuna, for the match that they lost against NRG they losty pretty bad. Here the clip https://youtu.be/lfoLIzS7mQs
you know someone has the screenshot for the C9 12 - 1 100t scrim
You know he might actually be trying to use strat to win a game rather than doing ScreaM go kill
Dude look at my final (this is my first run)
Bruh how did I get this result