Flag: Canada
Registered: August 4, 2021
Last post: March 4, 2025 at 2:55 PM
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aint reading allat 😹😹

posted about a year ago

Bullshit in terms of wasting talent.
KC, DFM doesnt have talented players like zekken, sacy, pancada and marved. Three champs grand finalists, one of the best flex players in NA, and gonna end 2-7 or sth.
KRU imo is a bit unlucky, they are like BBL, but didnt close out soo many games.

posted about a year ago

Derke peeking like ranked LMAO, this will be funny.

posted about a year ago

Nah PRX has strats. Just some of them are very predictable by good teams, but their strats and executes are enough to demolish most teams in APAC and the shitter teams from Americas and EMEA.

posted about a year ago

Pancada. His performance on sentinels (the role) has been very bad overall. The problem will be how they think he can't comm in english.
The most bullshit team in franchise, with the worst fanbase. Such a shame.

posted about a year ago

aspas? Not good with raze
cNed? Not good with raze

posted about a year ago

MrFallin mid diffs demon1, although demon1 clears NAVI.

posted about a year ago

cNed was still better than ardiis in 2022, just in a worse team. He singlehandedly destroyed FPX in Haven, and almost 2-0ed them during copenhagen qualifiers.

posted about a year ago

Aspas> cned.
Cned is worse than derke and sayf as well, but his Operator is just absolutely unmatched, that too for a very long time.

posted about a year ago

LEts goo

posted about a year ago

EMEA Pearl's meta is wayy behind, but aint gonna lie its way more fun to watch them play lol.

posted about a year ago

Lol they already lost 4, how the hell

posted about a year ago

isnt it the same for every league? Its good, acts as an incentive to finish top 2 in the group stage. If seeding was irrelevant, teams wouldnt try in challengers. Dont you remember 2021? In both EMEA and NA, the teams essentially didnt even try after qualifying.

posted about a year ago

SEN would slowly become irrelevant.
Nothing would happen to valorant.

posted about a year ago

Vro really said that with a USA flag and Faze flair 💀💀

posted about a year ago

Dont bet on NAVI vs FUT imo. High chance they lose both last games, although finishing second should be better as it would require 1 win to qualify for masters.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Vro really slapped an acend flair and called it a day 😂😂

posted about a year ago

how mechanically talented is brodie?!

posted about a year ago

He played good for a grand total of 8 rounds in ascent, then vanished.

posted about a year ago

average tenz fan

posted about a year ago

jzzz, rhz, frz, txozin, dgzin in a team, wyd??

posted about a year ago

holy shit lmao

posted about a year ago

LMFAO, honestly dude, Id rather just play a game myself.

posted about a year ago

SEN might catch them offguard. See what happened against KC vs NAVI/ Heretics vs Giants/ SEN vs LOUD? It might be very offputting especially if they play with zero fear all of a sudden, with tenz zekken duelist.

posted about a year ago

All of this just to get destroyed by acend. Biggest hurdle for all teams will be acend, because they have some of the most expereinced players, including goated coach champs winner nbs. And Best turkish team will obviously be good, but hard to predict.

posted about a year ago

Acend, gambit, fpx, guild old roster, fnatic most players from all rosters, monsterr
s0mCS, FNS, marved, crashies, leaf.
something, PRX cool, DRX very cool as well, tehtobottle

posted about a year ago

Madrid 1-1 City
This should be a tight game, I dont think many goals will be scored.

posted about a year ago

watch some fun classic animes, or some anime with story. I've stopped watching anime and reading manga.
Some recommendations esp in terms of story and a satisfying ending or a story that progresses decently (not in order):

  1. Jujutsu Kaisen
  2. Jojos bizzare adventure (the later parts have really good continuity and development in general, part 7 and 8 are really really good)
  3. Aot
  4. Gintama (very ligth hearted, and almost peak comedy in anime imo)
    Also deathnote/evangelion are good very good. Grand Blue, konosuba for funnies.
    Dont fall for stupid seasonal anime traps like Spy Family, dressup darling and those waifu targeted degenerate shit, they are a genuine waste of time, shallow.
posted about a year ago

this song unironically goes really hard

posted about a year ago

Pacific has shit teams, and DRX playbook is sooo diverse because of the amount of time they have been playing the game. At this point they may just anti-strat the APAC teams because their fundamentals probably are drilled and is their second nature.
But the main reason they barely lose maps is the first one, the level of teams are very low.

posted about a year ago

brim has really good post plant util, the ult has great combos with viper as well.

posted about a year ago

I think T1 either gets direct champs slot or they have no chance in LCQ. They will just randomly lose two games and bomb out.

posted about a year ago

TS just had a streak of flukes by beating liquid and PRX imo. PRX and Liquid now are wayy better. I think these two teams are just slightly worse than C9's current state.

posted about a year ago

True, more than 1 super week needed, also imagine international LCQ with only 4 from each region. Stakes would be so much higher, this would elevate regular league competition, this would make sure teams like SEN/KC/KRU/DFM cant lounge as they have LCQ to always back them up.

posted about a year ago

what do you rate a chronovoid vandal black with a firecracker buddy 🤯😩

posted about a year ago

They could have gone for a full NA roster, a good one too.
Dephh/shaz/valyn if he joined
Look at what c9 did, NA has the capability to make a good roster lmao, too bad they have to put with 100T/EG/SEN and call it a day saying they are very competitive (competing on who gets shat on the hardest by LOUD/FNC/NAVI/DRX, hell even C9/Liquid/PRX seeing how they are improving)

posted about a year ago

I only come for the forums in vlr lol.
spike has 2d replays and way better design for just seeing the match results and stats, but its a dead site.

posted about a year ago

thespikegg has the best imo. It is based on day, results and upcoming matches are separated and all the different tournaments are also separated like APAC, EMEA and Americas are in 3 different sections and when you go down the page you find shitter games from all over the multiple tournaments being ran.

posted about a year ago

FPX vs DRX in ascent was one of the most beautiful games of Valorant ever. It was truly one of the most highest skill games ever, the aim, the shots that were being hit, the hero plays, the utility.
You would never ever see this level of game in a liquid vs 100T, or an XSET vs LEV match back in 2022.

posted about a year ago

He wont take the help man. You cant just go to him and politely or nicely try to help him, he will never accept it.
Trust me, I have seen this happen first hand, its always has to be forceful hospitalization from the family, and constant deep support, for many many years, yet still the problems never gets solved. One little mishap, things go back to square one again.
This is the harsh reality, its extremely sad. You cannot reason with these individuals. This thing is tough.

posted about a year ago

39 kills across three maps kkkkk

posted about a year ago

What is this bozo talking about 😭😭

posted about a year ago

Yeah like some of the rounds where he just shoots 3 in the head in quick succession like its nothing, when they weren't even peeking one by one lol.

posted about a year ago

ANGE1 is a much better aimer than almost every IGL other than Kingg or stax when he's IGLing.
This man hits shots that are as crazy as some young duelist players. His main problem is his obsessiveness to entry. That's why when he plays against teams that have very equal distribution of firepower like DRX, FNC, LOUD (if they meet), he gets shutdown on entries and has terrible first death ratio. It's his terrible playstyle that costs FPX/NAVI games many times.

posted about a year ago

Welcome back based NAVI fan!

posted about a year ago

what about no music on LAN ☹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Chamber is still fun in ranked, just not as overpowered and actually requires skill with the op and better positioning. I just fucking hate the trap though, it was just too much.

posted about a year ago

Let's wait for the next games lol. SEN nad GE are at the same spot in both leagues, the next few games define everything for GE

posted about a year ago
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