"Hehe, with this post the braindead VLR users will think I'm a TenZ fan"
Flag: | Oman |
Registered: | February 12, 2022 |
Last post: | February 20, 2025 at 7:56 AM |
Posts: | 1215 |
"Hehe, with this post the braindead VLR users will think I'm a TenZ fan"
TenZ is immunocompromised, which is why he is always sick. Although he might not be scrimming today with the team for something different, not necessarily health issues.
How the fuck are SEN frying with fucking Kaplan playing and without both TenZ and pANcada.
Don't get it twisted tho, TenZ and Pancs are still apart of the team but pANcada is on vacation in Brazil (Check his Insta) and TenZ is most likely sick or something idk. He might be busy IRL since we don't know stuff behind the scenes of course. This is why Zellsis and Kaplan are filling in. Drewspark is also on vacation btw in his home country.
from Tarik's stream: No clue against who tho
Zellsis thinks he's part of the team LOL. Nah but jokes aside, Interesting if he's there to help the team with stuff.
Oh you're right actually, they are filming a Sen Society video of Zellsis, JohnQT and Zekken vs fans
This is exactly why I mentioned in a thread a few weeks ago that if there was ANY TEAM in T1 who would absolutely require a great 6th, It would be SEN.
For those unaware, TenZ is immunocompromised. Which is why he gets sick very often. Sentinels did a great investment in bringing in someone like Zellsis. Not only are Zellsis and SEN beneficial for each other, Zellsis can always help TenZ transition into that Flex/Secondary Duelist role better.
EDIT: It seems like they arent even scrimming, SEN are filming content for SEN Society. But my point above still stands
Is TenZ still in Japan?
KC bigger but SEN is not behind by much
Aspas leaving LOUD isn't the biggest issue in the world since great duelists are everywhere. Yes, their overall would drop since Aspas is Aspas and there is only a handful who can compete head to head against him.
But losing Less is a different thing entirely. I cant think of a single Sentinel player in Brazil or South America that's even in the same realm as Less.
stop talking out of your ass, Zellsis is a great player.
If there was any team out there that would need a good 6th, it's SEN. With the amount of times a year TenZ gets very sick and shit, they would need a great sub. + I guarntee you he is getting more money as a 6th for SEN than wtever C9 is doing rn.
They really got all the awesome personalities in the scene, no wonder their fanbase keeps increasing even thought they have been losing for most of the time
Why would TenZ need to play Skye or Breach when Sacy is right there?
When TenZ was streaming the grand finals in the KIA forum, he told us exactly what every player on PRX was going to run on ALL of the maps. He was correct. He even predicted the map pool which was also correct. This means only 1 thing: The scrims SEN had with PRX just a few days before the grand finals was PRX going all in practicing for the GF, which makes sense. No team that's bound in a GF fucks around in Scrims. The SAME comps they ran against SEN, they ran in their GF.
That session: PRX ended up losing 2 scrim against SEN, won 1
2024 is SEN's year, I see the vision of my glorious TenZ lifting a trophy. Trust.
The pool of talent in Brazil when it comes to mechanics is very deep. While someone as good as Aspas on the Duelist might not exist there, I'm pretty sure Havoc or whoever the Brazilians want it going to do well. Like Sacy said, they suffer from the strategic side and fumble more on the fundamentals than anything.
People should be worried when someone like Saadhak or Less leaves. THEN the doom can start.
Never have I seen a fanbase in any esports that's so relentless and filled with copium to stick with a team that has been losing for the past 2 years.
I respect it, y'all will be rewarded one day.
Like Willminder said after SEN won against 100T: "Sentinels winning = Peak VALORANT."
JohnQT almost certain for SEN (IGL and Senti)
Pretty sure you can search up his 2022 moments/clips on youtube, definitely the best controller alongside Mako and Marved during that year
They solved 2 of their biggest issues by bringing in just 1 person: JohnQT.
. Good IGL
. Sentinel/Flex player
pANcada back on Controller, the 2022 Champions MVP Goat.
Yup, this is more than likely it.
One Piece Netflix releases on Aug 31st, no one has time for you lil bro
Waffling, have you not been seeing those numbers SEN have been putting up? What does it matter who the player is? With those results, it could be flipping Dasnerth for all I care.
So it was johnqt igl’ing putting up all those stats aye
Never have Sacy ever duo’ed with fucking johnqt out of all people bruh it’s obvious
I think Zekken is the best Flex in NA but I dont say it because, well, rightfully so. He wasn't in Masters nor Champs so people would obviously call cap.
I'm just waiting for fucking SEN to qualify for an international league for him to pop off. Until then, 🤫
Yes, they used these comps against SEN yesterday but PRX scrimmed with them twice yesterday and SEN won 1 and PRX won 1
He also said they scrimmed with PRX on all Split, Ascent and Bind which are coincidently (or not) the 3 maps they are playing right now
He said that same comps they are running right now, are the ones they ran in the scrims against SEN yesterday.
P.S: He says PRX comp on Bind is very exciting but he wont spoil.
Nitr0 is really good on Cypher and Viper
I caught one of his streams and he was top fragging and his util was great in 10 Mans with other pros. I'm pretty sure someone like him with years of experience under his belt can learn an agent like KJ since he already has Cypher and Viper down.