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Registered: | June 22, 2022 |
Last post: | July 2, 2024 at 12:12 PM |
Posts: | 3660 |
another bbl transfers thread
fnatic already try twisten at masters 2 replacing to alfajer but alfajer got visa to copenhagen and they denied so probably yes as a stand in
apac's playstyle is reverse for indian playstyle
true quti was igl at second emea and he dropped 44 but its still risky give igl to duelist player
good roster but if they get this roster igl problems will start maybe qutionerx as a igl but idk its risky to give igl quti
they are good now if they add brave they will deserve tier 1
adam tr şampiyonu oldu ustune avrupada iyi performans gosterdi : D
shahzam is bad player but he can stay for just viewership
After my journey to a different country and transitioning from PC to laptop. I confirmed the Hz doesn't matter to me but the size of the monitor does. When I was in Singapore I don't have a gaming laptop so I borrowed my friend's second pc and monitor to play. He lends me a 60hz 24inch monitor with a 1650&2600x pc. I managed to reach immortal 1 on sg server with that setup he lend me, yet when I moved back to my main setup back in my home country which is a 24inch 240hz monitor and 3700x 2070 pc I'm still a hard stuck immoral. Fast forward a couple of months, moved to Melbourne and since I can't bring my pc with me I bought a gaming laptop with a 144hz 15.3-inch monitor and a 11800h 3060 spec. Went down to asc the first month. Bought a cheap second-hand 60hz 24-inch monitor and went back to immortal the next week. FYI my peripheral is still the same on all 3 setups and that is an apex 7 keyboard and a rival 650. The only difference with my peripheral is my mouse switch since I changed them after it kept double-clicking.
Welcome to 3V Riley (@rDeeW) Wilkinson
close match cuz no keznit not mazino
maybe 2-1 koi
i asked here cuz i cant remember too i saw at twitter maybe at @esporkolik
he will be play as a 5th player and he will be always at ge
blazeking just bad player
i heard bonecold will be not play as a igl
to be honest he deserves na team not br