Flag: Thailand
Registered: September 4, 2021
Last post: February 2, 2025 at 7:36 AM
Posts: 600
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Zeus, XERXIA's coach said on stream that he's pretty sure it is going to be LAN. He said that he's not 100 percent sure but it is likely that it is going to be a LAN.

posted about 3 years ago

pretty sure ow2 gonna be free to play. or at least it better fucking be

posted about 3 years ago

As an OWL fan, I doubt it. I doubt players who are already somewhat established like the ones you mentioned will try to go back unless they can immediately get an OWL contract as Patiphan did especially with how uncertain OW's future is. Also for many of the current Val players who came from OWL most of them left OW because they stopped liking the game or couldn't keep up with the talent in the league. I don't think the game will be enough to get those players to go back. I also don't think the former CS players would switch because the game is so fundamentally different. If OW 2 ends up being big, I think the only effect it will have on Valorant is that some players who are currently young and unknown but have potential may choose to play OW 2 instead.

posted about 3 years ago

its IND i guess i used the wrong acronym sry

posted about 3 years ago

W list

posted about 3 years ago

L Yukino better

posted about 3 years ago

my all star

posted about 3 years ago

nah especially in international competition most sea players do not go to events with the intention to win because they often discredit how good they actually are. maybe this is gonna change this year tho cus sea was good in champions

posted about 3 years ago

players arent allowed security gaurds

posted about 3 years ago

Not much else of note in that video particularly, but I remember hearing something on some of their streams after they were signed to their new org, don't remember what tho, I'll try to go back to check.

Also, something of note but less important, is that both patiphan and foxz (could include other players as well) have said that they have been thinking of doing a comms video from champions but the org has not done it themselves so they wanted to request the audio from the org. They noted that it should be possible for x10 to request the audio from riot as Full Sense has also made a voice comms video but it seems like they just haven't. This is a lot less important honestly as its just content stuff but I feel like I should mention it here.

posted about 3 years ago

Also, later in the video that is linked in the original pot, sScary said that the players have had internal problems with the org for a while now but couldn't leave because they've already signed the contracts

posted about 3 years ago

girl kisser > tsm

posted about 3 years ago

ok fr tho

  1. JohnOlsen
  2. PTC
  3. sushiboys
  4. Crws
  5. foxz/LAMMYSNAX
posted about 3 years ago
  1. SuperBusS
  2. SuperBusS
  3. SuperBusS
  4. SuperBusS
  5. SuperBusS
posted about 3 years ago

MY/SG kinda underrated ngl

posted about 3 years ago


I think as the SEA region as a whole I think SEA is definitely stronger than Korea, but I just feel like I trust Korea to be deeper due to their esports infrastructure and success in past titles, but this could definitely be wrong in Valorant cus Korea has not had international success in this game yet aside from just good performances. I like the moves that Japanese teams have made to be stronger and I know they have potential as I really wanted to put Japan up a bit because of how good NTH was but I don't trust Japanese teams to perform well yet.

posted about 3 years ago

he need to drop frfr

posted about 3 years ago

800 0.35

posted about 3 years ago

honestly my surf take is completely baseless. i just have a feeling he's gonna be good

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

SEA will be the 3rd best region behind NA and EU and will be on the best teams from SEA will be on the same level as them.
The region become more competitive with newer teams improving.
Surf will be on the same level as Patiphan

posted about 3 years ago

if he can play with a team in proplay and retrain himself from doing the crazy shit that he does like seoldam was able to then maybe he can be good. he has good mechanics

posted about 3 years ago

Full sense

posted about 3 years ago

x10's new org is XERXIA

posted about 3 years ago

from this match he looks good just a bit undisciplined at times, a bit raw rn

posted about 3 years ago

SEA last hope

posted about 3 years ago

hes gotta be baiting bro

posted about 3 years ago

he retired to go streaming :(

posted about 3 years ago

I remember hearing somewhere that he actually speaks Japanese and lives in the far east of Russia which is why he plays in japan. I'm not sure tho, don't quote me on that.

posted about 3 years ago

aged like milk lmao

posted about 3 years ago

wrote a whole essay

posted about 3 years ago

I think people underestimate the language barrier. There's a reason why the best teams from SEA are from one country and speak one language aside from exceptions. Yea most players in the region have good enough English to comm in ranked but most players do not have good enough English to make complex calls in a structured team as well as benefit and contribute during practice and reviews.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win

We have real blood in our veins, we are from brazil. we are not spoiled and sensitive kids like NA/EU

Its not about revenge, its about justice

Day 1 - Harmed by a strategic technical pause by RIOT
Day 2 - Do I even need to say? Imagine saying JhoW put the camera there on purpose. How braindead you have to be lol
Literally 1 week ago a team had to forfeit the match because of this, why would he use the same camera knowing they would lose the game afterwads? The guy from RIOT saw the camera but didnt say anything to the players
Day 3 - Unbelievable choke from VKS because they had their pcs changed in the second half of the last match (lower fps)
Day 4 - Unexplainable 7-0 lead??? (Camera was used in 6 rounds and ACE won 3 of them. Math makes no sense)

posted about 3 years ago
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