No sub buff
Flag: | Turkey |
Registered: | March 6, 2022 |
Last post: | February 27, 2023 at 2:38 AM |
Posts: | 2549 |
He didn’t even include BBL probably trying to troll but the rest of the list looks nice
Ping abuse is the biggest excuse I have ever heard the difference is so small and don’t forget low ping also has the advantage in holding
I am sorry to tell you this but there is no fps game that isn’t toxic to a certain point
As someone who spent countless hours on cs
Bro if you have a toxic teammate mute them and if you can’t handle toxicity don’t play Valorant
Even if it seems unfair there is not a solution to fix this problem without destroying the game
Fut alır bence çok iyi gözüküyorlar şuan
Mjtchell I think rest days are important if you are working out like you are claiming to be pls take a break at least once a week it’s actually bad for you to workout everyday and not give your muscles time to rest
Because they are hard workers and a lot of talent comes from cs where EU dominates
Why did you have to take a dig at cNed
Also you can’t have both Redgar and Nukkye in the same team
They were invited but probably because of the reasons people above have mentioned they decided not to join
Even though I like you Gutssz I don’t think they will win but they might prove me wrong
SMB from last year wouldn’t even let this team get 8 rounds against them
I was actually a huge SMB supporter but they fell off
They were but they pulled out for some reason
Went from going to Masters second place to struggling in Tr 💀💀💀
Actually sad
Context: They lost to a team called Galakticos but this tournament isn’t covered in vlr
I don’t think this will happen pretty sure the team would rather disband than play t2
Why isn’t Red Bull Home Ground Turkish qualifiers not covered on vlr
cNed has a sponsorship with redbull so I hope we see them
How is 4 out of 10 too much
In cs they send 8 teams in EU alone
Will we see them in any third party tournament or is it over for them
That map is infested with judge players I hope they make judge less useful in the reworks
This might be his last ever Valorant tournament
Thats why they are disbanding
That is sad wtf
Imo has the be Chamber
This agent quite literally made the careers of some players who will never see T1 play if chamber was heavily nerfed
I hate how you can sit like a turret every round without getting punished at least Jett was fun to watch
Have like 70 hours on it its fun but after some time it gets repetitive but I occasionally return when they update the game to play with friends
Also solo nightmare isn’t that difficult in small maps like ridgeview
I don’t think JP counts as APAC so 4th and 2nd
Get used to it Plat Chat always favours NA its a meme at this point
BBL money 💰
I said considering how successful they are but yeah you’re right
Also C9 and The Guard are rich as fuck though
Guild is already out I think also I think FUT somewhere in Possible I would be disappointed if riot gives TR only 1 slot considering Tr fanbase is biggest in Emea
No body know anything right now expect leaks early in September
I mean their fanbase is considerably low compared to how successful they are even if they don’t make it they will %100 be picked up
Isn’t Nats going to Uni I don’t understand how you guys think he is gonna move anywhere right now
Eastern Europe yes
Northern Europe generally no
Central Europe generally no
Spain no
Turkey definitely no
Considering how expensive they could have made the seats I definitely think its cheap enough for us the turkish viewers to go I hope to see you guys there
Yes it will have a big screen to watch the game I have been there many times before