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Registered: February 27, 2024
Last post: September 18, 2024 at 7:24 PM
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finally, after days of snoozefest kekw

posted 4 months ago

vro tried to sneak in KC

posted 4 months ago

FREEMEA fake flagger kekw

emea is so cringe

posted 4 months ago

nah, OXY and QOR would farm shitmea

posted 4 months ago

shitmea fans are a bunch of crybabies don't give them attention

posted 4 months ago

the british are so ass they had to build a superteam around their player so he could play on high level

posted 4 months ago

fnatic fans have 2 braincells

posted 4 months ago

flukenatic fans arent normal beings

posted 4 months ago

thank you, mexican

we own latin america so hard you guys have to support our teams
hot take: no latin american team is going to playoffs

posted 4 months ago

no 7 rounds no win

EMEA is trash

posted 4 months ago

losing a 5v1 like that is insane n0vi ain't winning shit with that discipline

what a dogshit team from a clown fest region

posted 4 months ago

import more NA players to carry their dead region like n4rrate is doing

posted 4 months ago

just watch the games lmao

posted 4 months ago

and they almost lost even with 7 rounds advantage kekw

EMEA is so pathetic their only champions was a fluke

posted 4 months ago

the whole 2021 champions is a fluke stained by riot's bad decision to give 7 rounds because of a cypher cam

posted 4 months ago

last time FREEMEA got a top 3 at champions was December 12th, 2021 (fluke btw)

posted 4 months ago

you're right

Lets shit talk ASSCIFIC and BR0N71L

posted 4 months ago

your the one giving excuses, getting farmed by Loud at champions is the final proof the 11-3 was a fluke kekw

EMEA = fluke region

posted 4 months ago

FREEMEA biggest achievement: fluking 11-3

posted 4 months ago

loud disagrees

posted 4 months ago

cos we are the gigachad stacked region who won both champions and masters, while u guys are dogshit who can only fluke mickey mouse

posted 4 months ago

fr they're so dogshit

posted 4 months ago

just don't get dogged at masters and people will think your "competitiveness" is among good teams

posted 4 months ago

well congrats for beating a team whose players didnt touch a mouse for days

posted 4 months ago

CHADnels is farming BR0N71L

posted 4 months ago

lmao I noticed that too

even he himself doesn't believe that

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

TheAceGamer30 is a TheAceGamer30

posted 4 months ago

and each of them would get 2-0ed by 100Chads 🥱

posted 4 months ago

BR0N71L kekw

posted 4 months ago

I can't it's stronger than me

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

I AM his senpai

posted 4 months ago

TheCHADGamer30 clears you

posted 4 months ago

US not first is insane

0ustralia kekw

posted 4 months ago

meanwhile aspas doesnt even give a fuck about his existence

cuck1 is so pitiable

posted 4 months ago

W thread you're an average NA fan like me :D

posted 4 months ago

yasss 👍

posted 4 months ago

np I have many others 😈

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

100t would farm EMEA

posted 4 months ago

KRU wont be there bro why u care

posted 4 months ago

surely has nothing to do with lotus being attack sided

posted 4 months ago

loud fluke team that wins spamming smokes

posted 4 months ago

remove c9 and EG and put MIBR and KRU

posted 4 months ago

How does he do it?? 🍷🗿

posted 4 months ago

fluke tbh

posted 4 months ago

thats why I say


BR0N71LIANs get cocky just cos we imported s0cy out of pity

posted 4 months ago
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