no one says asuna is good other than 100t fans
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Registered: | April 2, 2023 |
Last post: | February 8, 2025 at 8:56 PM |
Posts: | 1556 |
It doesn't even matter cause most people talking shit their teams ain't even make champs
sen fans are glazers of their team, but nrg and navi fans are like toxic delusionals i swear. Sen fans are like little kiddies believing in their team or whatever, u can't take em too serious.
work ethic and no pussy mentality unlike sen sadly
do u know what goat means?How can u say they are under the goat contention off of 6 months of performance?Then aspas is already the goat of valorant
Then u could probably say Geng was the best team of the year. Since no other team did as well as them.
no?Thats like saying last years all fnatic players are the goat. U can't say it off of one year
I don't even think thats the problem for sen. Sen has practiced a lot and i think their ideas are good, the problem being right now is the team is very disjointed ever since the G2 game,before that they looked very tight during stage 2. So idk what happened in between those games but they just suddenly slumped. It reminds me of last year where they had no morale. Zellsis isn't doing his vibe merchant job to fire up the team well. Sen is a very vibe oriented team.
It could change,if they don't do well in champs then not really. But if they win champs or reach the grandfinals they might be the best team of 2024. If somehow sentinels win champs, then they might be the best team considering they won 2 titles, but that is very unlikely.
100t losing today would be the funniest thing ever. I can't even imagine. Winning a knockout but the knocked out team making champs before you is crazy, really goes to show how good sen were at the beginning of the year. Sadly they are a loose tire rn.
well u dont really need to play meta comps if ur very good at default comps. I think they are forcing the comps
tbh I am not feeling sen w these different comps. They don't really understand them. They should keep playing the default comps, since they had so much reps on it, they were very adaptive. These new meta comps just ain't it for them
Bro probably works from home ,just has his streams up idk. At least that is the most plausible scenario. Also they been boys for a decade now,since the cs days
u are a madman fuck is this.100t 1st?
Edit:I stand corrected nvm.I didn't look at the username
sick wasn't gonna get no offers anyways, sen also helped sick a lot during his meltdowns
nah tenz isn't entry duelist type of player so it doesn't work
fuck u mean bro they literally won a tourney this year its fine.Ur wait was met. Idk why ur waiting for champs lol. Sen did good this year.
sen won all the matches vs 100t this year except for this one,so sen win the h2h
nothing,burnout was an issue split 1 but right now their ideas are bad. Their ideas aren't working as good as they hoped. Thats it. Maybe play their old comps.
no they dont look the same. Hell naw. Its mainly their ideas that are not good rn. Their new ideas ain't cooking.
aspas aint going negative
Hopefully this is a wakeup call to reapproach the game differently since this one isn't working. They got 2 weeks before champs. Hope they use it properly
They are not burnt out, they are playing bad rn thats all. Their team morale is down. They need to move away from these deadlock comps
Will just randomly become the best team for 1 tourney every 2 years. At this rate they will have 5 trophies in 10 years not bad.
People all over emea are doing it. Since it doens't use a third party software its allowed. Chronicle does it as well
Right now it's just vibes and their team morale. It is so evident, teams just don't go from looking good in the split to this bad over night. The only thing that can change is their mood. Idk what happened but their overall team vibes just isn't there. Wtf is zellsis doing. It is his job bro, he can't be down.
idk bro sen looks pretty down right now.Reminds me of how they were in split 1
Bro that jersey and sweat combo is so bad,they couldnt find some khakis?
I mean that wasn't too bad. U can't blame sen's loss on that round either. Like tenz and sacy were pushing together so it wasn't a terrible play. Also sacy has top tier game sense overall and ideas and util usage. No one can take that away from him. and yes he brings things to the team that elevates the team,could there be someone better than him where sen could upgrade probably but very rare to find.
nah geng still had some losses,th looked insane but had a bit of fall off which isn't a big deal. But it could be that they just took it easy for groups
I mean given how it happened to most teams that went deep into a tourney there just wasn't any turnover time to get new strats.G2 being an anomaly
no zellsis was a huge part of it for sure. The resilience of the team is because of zellsis idc what any1 says. Other than zellsis and maybe sacy the rest of the players on sen have no mental resilience at all. Zellsis always kept them in it,if that makes sense. Johnqt calls an incredible game for sure,the midrounding comes from zellsis and sacy. Zellsis is their main midrounder and sen's midrounding was insane during madrid. So no shot u can say zellsis wasn't a big of their win during madrid. John and zellsis was everything sen lacked last year
what happen to heretics?I havent been watching emea games. They were looking insane after shanghai
yea u could say that. I am just saying from the perspective of like yea there are teams that could beat them.But the best bet rn seems Heretics or G2.
We forgetting heretics?Geng also lost to TS who talon beat.So there is that.G2 are looking good recently.So there are teams that can beat them.
Who cares?Its part of the game. The sen players are fine w it why u care. Yes it might put them at a disadvantage or it might not. But these type of things are part of the game. Also sen played off yesterday anyways. They wouldnt have won with the showing they had. Even Zellsis said so.