Its his teammates bro
He went from getting supported by crashies and victor to deryeon and zest
He went from FNS to Sscary
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Registered: | June 17, 2022 |
Last post: | May 28, 2024 at 5:04 PM |
Posts: | 11278 |
Its his teammates bro
He went from getting supported by crashies and victor to deryeon and zest
He went from FNS to Sscary
Aspas went +34 and it was still extremely close
If you think LEV played good as a team yesterday you are just wrong
If SEN plays lev 10 times SEN wins 8 times
Not a shot
NRG isn't SEN
Don't get it twisted
Why do you send hate towards the players then?
Like you literally make threads about chet being a snake for no reason lol
You are the epitome of unnecessary hate
You switch up every week bro
If a team beats SEN you start riding that team
I saw it would LOUD and now I'm seeing it with LEV
It isn't happening bro
NRG winning the group
What do I say?
Its not like I say anything stupid
Demon1 is better
And anyway I doubt players like Ethan and Marved would want to leave Demon1
Funny because I;ve seen you hate on multiple NRG players such as chet marved and demon1
Kind of hypocritical
I think qck holds that team back
They just made it to madrid because of a bad format and no other teams were ready
NRG is just the most hated team
If you say anything good about them you get downvoted
They hate us because they fear us
NRG 26-16
His Raze util is good
I think he is the only person in the world with a 100% raze ult hit rate
Good morning
FURIA getting dominated today
You, as a SEN fan should know that just because a player isn't getting kills doesn't mean they're having no impact on the game
Bookise are crazy
Why in the world were BLEED favorited before this match
Don't talk to me about fake fans lol
You are the most fake NRG fan I've ever seen
This game meant a lot
First seed means so damn much with this format
The thing is the teams that didn’t practice quite literally couldn’t
For example, EG NRG LEV couldn’t because of contract situation
FNC were just lazy though
Lets see if he owns the EMPERORS of NA next week
Although overrated, zekken is still a good player
I don’t even believe what I tell him
Its just funny to see his responses
I really don’t bait though
All of my takes are reasonable
I don’t realy say anything delusional and I don’t let my biases cloud my preds
Nah bro I defended SEN and predicted them to win every game except the one vs NRG
I even said they would make it to madrid alongside NRG
Its not like I hate SEN or anything
I was just saying NRG was better (and hey I was weong then and took the L)
Nobody is jealous of anything bro
Why would we be jealous of a team that is worse than ours?
Jokes aside I like SEN
I will root for them in every match vs the non NA teams
Its just fun to make fun of diehard SEN fans such as TheAceGamer30 on this site rn
Pls don’t hate me!!!!!
I’m sorry!!!!
13-3 13-9 on two maps
Switch up is wild
I saw you saying SEN destroyed LEV in kick off in other threads
Uh oh!
Here is the cope!
Its ok bro SEN will bounce back
SEN slammed LEV in kick off and look what happened now
Bro forgot 2023
Just because he had a rough game individually vs LOUD doesn’t mean he is worse than Kingg
Ethan being hella underrated out here
Masters tokyo
‘Twas heartbreaking
Ethan > Kingg isn’t even debatable
Cmon bro
Click this link to learn the truth of kick off
Did he actually say this?
Unfortunately I could only watch like 10% of the game
You guys are learning
Fr 🙏
NRG’s competition slowly getting eliminated
God is good
Tell me what I say that is unreasonable
Fact is you can’t and you’re calling me a baiter for no reason
I am a baiter?
Look at my post history and tell me what is unreasonable
Who is even baiting him lol
I think he is just insecure for no reason