We haven't even seen C9 and you're calling them mid
Flag: | United States |
Registered: | June 17, 2022 |
Last post: | May 28, 2024 at 5:04 PM |
Posts: | 11278 |
We haven't even seen C9 and you're calling them mid
The same people trash talking MIBR saying they need roster changes are now saying they might be one of the best teams in the Americas
I guarantee that at least 1 NA team will make it to Tokyo
Im sorry but there is just no way
It also made the best teams disband ;(
Yes I think they will win
In 100t's new video they all predicted C9 to win and said they were looking strong in scrims so I have hope
How is FNS indian?
I don't think he's ever even been to India
NaVi vs FNC
DRX vs T1
I agree with PRX but I feel like the other 3 can get so much better and have so much more room for improvement
Yea, I think he gets distracted by chat too much and can't focus when streaming
He has always done this
Even when I've watched his streams recently he prefers to fill rather than play duelist
I feel the opposite way tbh. When neon and chamber first came out OpTic were the first team to use it and abuse it which led to their masters win
They've always been ahead of the meta
Master of pickems please tell me if NRG will beat LEV
Yo why is this an LA hate thread. Why do Americans hate it so much
This guy use op for more than half the game
Already 100k more than EMEA's peak
But crashies has more consistent results
So with your logic Kiles > cauanzin, tuyz becuase he won a champions
Bo nobody said SEN are brazil, they are NA
Zekken doesnt have shaky aim
If anything its sacy with the shaky aim
100t isnt bad on fracture FNC is just way better
Doesnt have a gun 5v4 didnt expect 2 more people to be there
So the team that wins has the best player in every role?
Unfortunate, they don't deserve this
2 Brazilians
American coaching staff
Therefore they are an NA team
100t pick fracture after getting 13-1ed? I don't think so
2 NA
2 BR
1 EU (basically NA)
NA coaching staff
They are NA
controller: mako
duelist: Derke
initiator: leo
flex: FNS
sentinel: Less
controller: pancada
duelist: aspas
initiator: Crashies
flex: Saadhak
sentinel: Suygetsu
controller: marved
duelist: Yay
initiator: Stax
flex: Zyppan
sentinel: Nats
I think T1 can climb to second in pacific but they won't overtake DRX
FUR 2-1
Keznit goes crazy but it isn't enough
What I'm saying is facts tho
Bro, don't lose hope the season just started
Ok even if Giants > 100t Americas are still way stronger. If you look at Lock in results Americas beat EMEA in every matchup that didn't involve NaVi/ FNC
Instead of calling me delusional why don't you tell me how EMEA is better
I think overall, Americas is just way stronger
IDK I feel like Americas is stronger overall
So you're saying EMEA is stronger?
LEV are contenders and honestly I agree with your KRU take
Also GENG aren't frauds yuo will see
Honestly I like GUARD but am happy they lost. They needed this to humble them