Flag: Jamaica
Registered: May 25, 2023
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 1:41 AM
Posts: 6790
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It was a joke bro

posted 1 month ago

How old are you

posted 1 month ago

But why?

posted 1 month ago

Bro wants carpet tunnel or whatever it's called

posted 1 month ago

Nah I don't think so

posted 1 month ago

Bro it's only Tyson for me, you don't know him like that

It's tenz for you 😎

posted 1 month ago

Geng is not getting grouped

posted 1 month ago

get meds

thats the only fix

posted 1 month ago

spend more time trying to find FNS's VLR account plz

posted 1 month ago

why tf would a pro be on those servers... Less cheaters??

posted 1 month ago

u playing on korea servers from hong Kong?

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why would aspas leave a good team

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

zekken to g2 if Sen didnt go to Madrid

posted 1 month ago

insane cope

posted 1 month ago

M80 2-1 MXS


also why the fuck is the lower final a b03 instead of a b05 (lower final is on the 30th)

posted 1 month ago

Fnc gonna gigastomp FraudLG

posted 1 month ago

G2 can beat them lol


posted 1 month ago

People would say 2 lies here but I'm gonna say only 1 lie

posted 1 month ago

Icy can't even clear asu0na

posted 1 month ago

I also love my (not real) GF!!

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

How we doing?


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Plus covered up the shit with ava

Probably everyone knew and didn't care.

posted 1 month ago

Who knows

Maybe munch

posted 1 month ago

They were never doing that bro

posted 1 month ago

You probably saw FNS

posted 1 month ago

Watch him in champs

posted 1 month ago

Aspas clears your favorite team and player

Aspas got married at a young age

Aspas is aspas

posted 1 month ago

KC 2023

Feel free to add on

posted 1 month ago


I will say if sacy leaves sen or plays bad then maayyybe look for verno or narrate but thats a big if

posted 1 month ago

like wait till champs starts jesus

posted 1 month ago

why does every sen fan hate sacy

guys and maybe girls champs hasnt started yet

posted 1 month ago

he is so fucking funny

those 2022 LCQ streams were the best...

posted 1 month ago

Chill, let bro live his life

posted 1 month ago

baseball is boring indeed

posted 1 month ago

RB is clearing shanghai's toilets

posted 1 month ago

aspas clears MW

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

i just dont like pigs

posted 1 month ago

wait what i dont watch gay cop shows lmao

posted 1 month ago

like I said all cop shows are copganda

and we should hate cops (theyre all shit)

posted 1 month ago

all cop shows suck bc theyre all copganda

posted 1 month ago

A girlfriend

Get zekken a champs win

format better

kick leo

reformat VLR

more NA events

better match times

posted 1 month ago

its true I was the manager at sen

posted 1 month ago

SHHHHH (we told astromidalaxy we geek hard)

posted 1 month ago
1 •• 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 •• 131