Flag: Jamaica
Registered: May 25, 2023
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 8:09 PM
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sen losing, me losing money, buts its ok! Because NAVI will win LCQ and NRG will look good! Right!!?? RIGHT!!??

posted about a year ago

Are the coaches just frauds??? How do they lose a 6-2 lead on fucking frac, then look like dogshit on attack.
Pancada cant play KJ to save his life
Sacy ksnt showing up too much
Tenz’s op is bad
Marved needs more time as an igl?
Zekken is fine.

posted about a year ago

his kayo looking like nismos tbh

posted about a year ago

i think he can be a good flasher

posted about a year ago

why does his cypher look SO much better???

posted about a year ago

but i think sen r fine to keep him no?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is true I guess but still he brings a long more choke

posted about a year ago

its starting to look like it tbh

posted about a year ago

honestly knew this was happen C9 are anti merchants

posted about a year ago

bro they cant ban bind and frac though sen could win

posted about a year ago

all of mce's teams just choke huh?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

man thinks hes trembo

posted about a year ago

def wouldnt say it on twitter or some shit
honestly maybe its just his killjoy bc he frys people on other agents
kinda feel bad for him even though i shit talked him today

it doesnt help if he plays terrible on KJ, im just saying.

posted about a year ago

idk i dont trust this org but they better fucking build around him though

posted about a year ago

if sen CUT and I mean CUT him then i am done with this org
this man zekken acting like hes gonna get dropped, only way hes not on sen if he wants to leave the team or wants to retire

posted about a year ago

sen will and always have cleared yall

posted about a year ago

i guess you're right, but as long as navi actually look good in LCQ everything is fine!!

posted about a year ago

sen destroyed 100t btw they jsut threw pearl lmao they look a lot better

posted about a year ago

I think sen could win but like Maybe not on pearl

posted about a year ago

thi sis over no way sen fucking win defense

posted about a year ago

if they dont throw pearl they beat them 2-0 and havent shown any other map chill

posted about a year ago

holy shit that was terrible

posted about a year ago

their attack side was terrile on pearl but maybe they didnt expect it
on split it is very mid, but their going against cyro so idk, but yeah they need to speed it up or call fakes, take map control ect

posted about a year ago

2 months n their attack sides look like this lmaoo

posted about a year ago

that pivot was fine imo they knew cryo was there

posted about a year ago

yay used diff guns thiugh

posted about a year ago

its crazy

posted about a year ago

pancada has not been in im ngl and u can for sure play good as a senti as well

posted about a year ago

a 9-3

posted about a year ago

100t are expected to win this event

posted about a year ago

its gonna be a giga banger

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

kcops is done for if m8 win bc they can only get enzo n thats it

posted about a year ago

ig ure right tbh

posted about a year ago

is this true that optic thought sen were shady?

posted about a year ago

Loud could still win champs but yeah shit val year for them

posted about a year ago

In americas its hard bc hes fighting for a spot that sen/100t dont want to lose. Tenz’s brand/cryo is already very good. Nrg not gonna get yay bc if they wanted to they wouldve, and c9 🤡

posted about a year ago

they lose to RRQ anyway

posted about a year ago

trembo would cum

posted about a year ago

cause nrg know sen are a good team and they know they can learn a lot from the GOATS

posted about a year ago

Koi or vit

posted about a year ago

interent explorer

posted about a year ago

Country: Turkey
Registered: February 18, 2023
Last post: July 13, 2023 at 9:11 PM
Posts: 1

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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