Flag: Norway
Registered: April 12, 2021
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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W map imo, feels like I can abuse viper lineups here as well 🤓

posted about a year ago

Common redlight W

posted about a year ago

Haven't placed yet, because servers cucked me over last game so I'ma not do my last placement rn.

posted about a year ago

They used it last year as well a bit so idk.

posted about a year ago

rep the set

posted about a year ago

D: peepo pain. cool anyways tho.

posted about a year ago

lol it's a fnatic flair what do u expect. the true sophisticated ones are us fpx flairs.

posted about a year ago

wut u made it, more based than based, sheeeeesh. pls tell eskay thanks for the reddit lucio cringe that has inspired me if possible.

posted about a year ago

Registered: March 31, 2022
EDG flair???
I think NV flair looks sick though so I'ma not ask.

posted about a year ago

Who cars, don't worry about your fav team/region winning. More than not saying this shit, I think it's better to just not be worried in the first place. A good team will eventually satisfy their fans and by some point, they will bounce back. Also I'm just here to watch some good matches, judging teams power level is dumb, and calling wins flukes are dumb(except for TSM vs GEN.G that game was a fucking fluke for TSM, and there's no reason that they should have won that shit).

posted about a year ago

People are always on some hard ass copium about their region being a more than one team region. People talk about APAC, or whatever, but by that case, KR is a 2 team region, sure they only have one team doing well internationally, but it's because they only have one team going out internationally LMFAO. APAC is not a 2 team region, BR is not a 2 team region, NA is not a 2 team region. I'd honestly say this a good thing for valorant though, having the best from each region and having them actually be competitive internationally gives a good look for valorant on the biggest stage.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Hudsen > George Geddes

posted about a year ago

At best, I want to look into casting games. Probably not though.

posted about a year ago

Mained duelist at start and flexed to init, I don't think it worked out well. I think he just doesn't like the role he plays within the team, which caused him to fall off a bit. He will prob find a good team tho eventually.

posted about a year ago

... I'm a geng fan, and even I thought he was kinda garbo. He was a decent flex onto cypher and viper, which allowed for more overall flexibility for the team, but nah, Bob is definitely overall just a more solid Sova.

Wait fuck its Howard, I prob got baited fuck.

posted about a year ago

Bro... I exist... I think

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Probably Purp0 is the only actually decent idea here.

posted about a year ago

I mean quite a few teams still play Cypher on Breeze. Do you think it's still a viable pick, or is it just a product of teams not rebuilding their breeze play?

posted about 2 years ago

Penis Girth, Never Expect The Whole Truth. I still love ur name

posted about 2 years ago

All of the intitators + maybe Astra. They are quite literally meant to be supports, the ones who support the entry. I guess you could technically say the controllers as well, but I think it's not quite active util, so it doesn't quite feel support.

posted about 2 years ago

I mentioned this a while back, and that's why I also don't really like him.

posted about 2 years ago

People they know me as the number1 user. They know me from the threads they see. They know me from the delusional takes they watch. They talk about my amazing takes and they think for me being a genius is so easy. I just go into and that's it.
imma take a break now

here before the didnt ask comments

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Nah they are hardstuck golds prob, plats at least have some self awareness even though they are on all that copium.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Most active people weren't eu fans except for Mattgg and delusional scream fan

posted about 2 years ago

Shadow and Milan weren't trolls, just keyboard warriors. Prtsty is a keyboard marathon runner tho, wtf this man is still at it.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I know Milan left, he was tired I think. Just burnt out prob. Not sure Abt shadow but I don't think he was banned either

posted about 2 years ago

L + ratio

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Bet 100 Gen.G

posted about 2 years ago

Damn it feels weird to not see shadow and Milan sucking each others dick in every thread.

posted about 2 years ago

This is a little bottom line though. I'd say avg acs would be a bit higher, and you should have higher acs's than these.

posted about 2 years ago

I would go with 200, and it looks like what the devs were going for as well, but it highly depends on role/agent/playstyle. If you are a jett, generally 250 or so, but if something like a breach, more like 170

posted about 2 years ago

GG go next, even u don't have their flair anymore.

posted about 2 years ago

Also Acend won the Champions, without a single CIS player, in fact with a Turkish player instead.

posted about 2 years ago

So you see, this is the problem, do we go politically or geographically. In theory EMEA is Europe, Middle East, Africa. So CIS technically falls into Europe even though it's not in the European Union. So then we have to ask, does Europe refer to the European Union, if you said yes, you have less than 10 braincells. Europe is a continent, and the majority of Russia's population lives on the European part of the country anyways. A lot of CIS teams already scrim with the rest of EU and a lot of players move across regions in EMEA, so yea. Like I don't see why people are trying to seperate them, most teams are mixed rosters except for Gambit, and CIS only has 2 good teams, so they need the rest of the teams to have consistent scrims, CIS would be nothing without the rest of EU imo.

posted about 2 years ago

SentinLs with Rawkass will soon be off this list :D

posted about 2 years ago

Girl kissers is repeat, Brimstone Gaming inactive D:, C9A is questionable, bc Academy rosters can't play in VCT, but fair enough I guess. Some of these are close are possible wins for C9W(Other than NYFU and Knights Academy), and C9W doesn't play much against male teams, so vlr NA rankings for them are quite ehh, I would say most of these are fair enough though.

posted about 2 years ago

A couple of inactive teams, I mean if u update names, then it's only like 2-3 teams off, but some of these are obvious. (wow actually OG and BDS aren't inactive, they just haven't played in a while and look like actual shit)(Cream Real Betis, Nuturn, and F4Q are inactive, prob could find one or two more, but I'm too lazy to search through that. Cream Real Betis I have never heard of so I did a quick search, and Nuturn and F4Q rosters have been inactive for like a while already)

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago
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