Flag: Mexico
Registered: July 14, 2022
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 5:08 PM
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Bro is owning the entire LOUD roster in them 1v1s holy

posted 2 months ago

ur a bit late to the mibr discussion bro

posted 2 months ago

racist team

U just makin shi up atp bro, saying LEV is racist just bc the org is from argentina is brain dead

posted 2 months ago

if u thought the game was boring, I think u might just not like watching Valorant lol. Game was pretty fun

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

tacolilla blindfolded would 13-0 NRG

posted 2 months ago

pure facts, Tacolilla would make this team worldchamps. Best to ever do it

posted 2 months ago

don't remind me bro, it's already bad enough

posted 2 months ago


posted 2 months ago

nzr >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> c0m
khalil = mazino
tex >>>> havoc
king >> xand
aspas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mwzera

posted 2 months ago

They are looking bad, and FURIA really good but it's just 1 Bo3. I'd wait to see another 100T game before throwing the towel

posted 2 months ago

well well well, who is the pig now

posted 2 months ago

all the bandwagoners who were NRG fans and then switched to 100T flair are deffo suffering rn

posted 2 months ago

Bro said NRG, at least make bait believable bruv

posted 2 months ago

that's what I'm thinking, and if you see FURIA's vods after their losses you can see nzr is very vocal too. My theory has always been that he got kicked due to problems within the players/staff and not due to skill. nzr has always had great mechanics

posted 2 months ago

they would do better if C0M didn't underperform most games. Imo nzr is just more consistent

posted 2 months ago

fr, idk what they were thinking, nzr looked so good with LEV during their off season tournament too

posted 2 months ago

Caught everyone off guard with their new style, but now even FURIA is reading them.

Welcome back old 100T

posted 2 months ago

Welcome back 100Throws

My boy ASSuna is back too, I'm gonna cry 😭😭😭

posted 2 months ago

posting this while NRG is losing is diabolical

posted 2 months ago

Kaplan > Potter

good take until I saw this. U had to ruin it :c

posted 2 months ago

yo imagine this roster...


It would dominate fr

posted 2 months ago

I remember when they dropped 10 rounds against FURIA with havoc going 2-20 and they were coping saying "NRG is just saving strats, all good" LMFAO

posted 2 months ago

FNS aim > TenZ aim confirmed

posted 2 months ago

Is it me or ever since their "super team" underperformed we've seen a crazy decline in NRG flairs. I remember during off-season I would see them everywhere glazing NRG saying how they were winning everything. Now I don't see that many. I wonder what team all the bandwagoners are supporting now

posted 2 months ago

chinese crowd was good wdym

posted 2 months ago

they actually look like a team, and not 5 guys with good aim running around the map

posted 2 months ago

they called me crazy when I said SEN fans were lil kids

posted 2 months ago

check him pc

posted 2 months ago

I mean, Lotus is an attack heavy map. That's the expected outcome for most games lol

posted 2 months ago

If I had to guess, prob too focused on the map/IGLing he wasn't paying attention to ult orbs

posted 2 months ago

my problem with c0m is his inconsistency. His util is good most of the time, but his aim and movement around the map is very inconsistent. Sometimes he does decently and does his job and sometimes he just ghosts

posted 2 months ago

weak bait, if u want more interactions I'd suggest going back to putting shahzam down ur throat

posted 2 months ago

but why u mad at shahz and paint, if all those players u mentioned were better options why didn't mibr reach out to them. shahz and paint were nice and agreed to help, they aint doing nun wrong

posted 2 months ago

not like mibr were winning much with their original roster tbh

posted 2 months ago


bro they doing mibr a favor by standing in why u hatin lmaoo

posted 2 months ago

mibr need tacolilla

posted 2 months ago

"lev should replace c0m with shahzam"

LMAOOOOOOO, they want to replace bad with dogshit

posted 2 months ago

lil bro jus whiffed a sova ult against someone defusing spike.

posted 2 months ago



posted 2 months ago

no lol, changing the team even more after they just switched coaches would be too messy. C0M isn't great, but neither is shahzam to justify the change on the team dynamic.

posted 2 months ago

mazino played great too wdym.

posted 2 months ago

to top it off renew chet contract and they wouldn't drop a SINGLE map. Trust

posted 3 months ago


Skye ult is great for info what r u talking about

posted 3 months ago

No, spam meta is boring. Let's hope steams stay off that

posted 3 months ago

these teams would win Shanhai blindfolded. vlr too strong

posted 3 months ago

Kinda sad he is back to competing, his watch parties were hilarious

posted 3 months ago

FUT best team itw right now, LEV has 0% chance of even winning a single round. So congrats FUT on winning Shanhai

posted 3 months ago

OCE, that region is so ded it takes forever to even find a match

posted 3 months ago

they used all their time to prep and win that one series and make Masters, sadly they forgot they actually had to prep for Masters too lmao.

posted 3 months ago
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