Flag: Brazil
Registered: May 24, 2023
Last post: June 5, 2024 at 8:50 AM
Posts: 565
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this thread was supposed to be only me and you, but unfortunatelly some people got in our way.
However we can still continue our fight in this one. Let me begin.


posted about a year ago

I will not worry about your wife.

posted about a year ago

where are you Chunkio?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Everything's gonna be alright.
Don't worry Aspas didn't leave Loud, it was only a nightmare you had.

posted about a year ago

same it showed ascent but then it spawed on real life. it was fun because I could go around with jett on the real world, and people were like crazy asking how I did that.
fun day

posted about a year ago

Reencarnatiin until you you are able to detache from material things and become one with god, freeing your soul from this planet.
Source: Hinduism.

posted about a year ago

Whats the point of being a leaker if you dont leak things? I mean WTF!

posted about a year ago
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      yy             0           0                  yy
    yy                0        0                  yy
 yy                     0000                 yy
posted about a year ago

y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y y0y

posted about a year ago

but they are hosting a game and expecting everybody to watch. also Sub only chat??

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Well, that's the real funny thing I can think of.

posted about a year ago

É já era. O mesmo aconteceu com o Sacy ano passado, antes de ele sair ele fez a mesma coisa.
F Loud.
Mas confio no potencial da organização de criar outra seleção!

posted about a year ago

Yes! Alternate Current. The best

posted about a year ago

That there's a Na zee post going for like 6 hours already and still not deleted?
How are mods ok with that?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cat smell

posted about a year ago

Brazilian aim*

posted about a year ago

They have like 7 players at the moment. Who are they going to fire? because they probably wont keep the seven right?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Meu amigo respeito sua opinião, mas eu prefiro jogadores que joguem com paixão ao esporte e não só por dinheiro.

posted about a year ago

Concondo 100% g4 o único cara sensato nesse fio

posted about a year ago

Será? por que o Yay não conseguiu time no NA mesmo tendo vagas e sendo bom?
Não acredito que as orgs sejam tão inocentes de contratar alguém que vai sair na primeira oportunidade de farmar mais grana.

posted about a year ago

Exato. Estão pensando só no agora. Podem até ganhar milhões, mas com o estilo de vida que eles tem esses milhoes acabam em 1 ou 2 meses. e ai?
A loud não contrata denovo, será que alguém vai contratar uma pessoa sabendo que na primeira oportunidade de farmar mais grana vai sair?

posted about a year ago

Mas na Loud foi, eles se juntaram em menos de um mês ja estavam ganhando tudo. inclusive em Reykjavíc no masters da época.
mas enfim.

posted about a year ago

Não é nem por isso mano.
Na Loud eles tem salário de no min. R$:20.000/mês mais prêmiação e dinheiro das skins + comida de graça + moradia de graça na gringa.
Eles tem uma vida òtima simplismeste pra jogar valorant.
Agora se eles sairem da org forem pra fora e não der certo, corre o risco que acontecer que nem o Yay. Um player bom, mas que o sálario é muito caro e simplismente ninguém quer bancar porque o jogador é muito exigente sendo que bons duelistas tem à rodo.
Se arriscar nesse scenário pode ser fatal.

posted about a year ago

Quem entra na Loud tem sorte, quem sai é burro.

posted about a year ago

Foi tipo a uma hora atrás, todo mundo tava postando um fio assim kkkkkk tava muito engraçado kkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

how about a turkey agent that spawns kittens in the map like Istambu so the enemy team gets distracted. how about that?

posted about a year ago

smoke CT

posted about a year ago

if you really want to go down the rabbit hole send me your discord

posted about a year ago

go on with your "I'm stuck" jokes. i dont give a fuck

posted about a year ago

its not down, its a phenomenum called vanishing point. search for it.

posted about a year ago

it does not "set" it only goes far away from eyesight reach

posted about a year ago

no, the sun and moon goes in circle on top of it, like two blayblades on a bucket

posted about a year ago

smaller and closer, covers only partial locations

posted about a year ago

go on with your "Pizza planet" jokes. i dont give a fuck

posted about a year ago

---- keep scrolling ----

posted about a year ago

when ever I see an Indian flag I ignore the text.
or is it because they are always trying to bait.

posted about a year ago

iron is not allowed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

DSG had Yay and they didnt win shit.
Sentinels had Sacy and pAncada77 and they didnt win shit.

posted about a year ago

you mean Geay

posted about a year ago

Loud Yay

posted about a year ago

Its happening

posted about a year ago
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