Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | May 24, 2023 |
Last post: | June 5, 2024 at 8:50 AM |
Posts: | 565 |
w move, removing paycheck stealers
you mean Yay?
you can give any agent to this dude that he will excel on Chamber
so what? you care about personal values or money?
Paycheck stealers
show your hate for them down below
Bro thinks lcq is a big event
Cringe. I saw you doing this post in your twitch while playing LOL
Será que ele vai farpar falar merda e perder ou jogar e agir de forma adulta tendo a possibilidade dá vitória?
vai la torcer pro teu timinho de ruim
Muitos players no Brazil são emocionados e tem que aprender que primeiro voce ganha e depois vc farpa! eu nao farparia mas se eles queremfazer isso que pelo menos ganham e agora se fuderam.
abraço pro DG que tbm é assim!
Forget her, if you have feelings for her it makes you weak around her and it messes everything. You will look like a kid. However if you talk to someone you dont have interest in you will look like a boss
so them both are toxic?
maybe people just dont know
Why you are giving too much attention to a fat women?
Cara o Xand não performou mau nesses últimos jogos, e você não pode colocar toda a culpa da derrota no deco.
todo o time tem culpa, pq nao ta falando dos outros integrantes do time? Acho que vc tem um hate em especifico contra o Deco.
idaí se ele não tem troféus, você tem algum?
Ta certo que alguns Players do cenário brasileiro são emocionados, mas não sei se você no lugar dele faria algo melhor.
Sorry for being a noob, but the main duelist picked in most competitive maps is jett .
We have seen aspas trying it, but is usualy when a team is trying something new, not as a main composition.
Could it be because teams havent work on a good composition that plays around neon, and since jett is the main duelist is easyer to create a composition around her?
Você é cego meu amigo, Abra os olhos!
pensei o mesmo jkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I thought it was the new agent. but we all have seen this already.
why ??
I started at iron 1 and now Iam at D2, so basicaly you are right
I mean the higher I go the sadder I get, sometimes I even need to mute everyone because its impossible to keep sanity and play.
edit: I started at iron 1 and now Iam at D2, so basicaly you are all right, Iam still in very low elo.
quem acha que a The Union vai ganhar, meus pesames pra vcs.
m80 ganha sorrindo
Boom, boom, boom, boom
I want you in my room
Let's spend the night together
From now until forever
Boom, boom, boom, boom
I wanna go boom, boom
Let's spend the night together
Together in my room
average european Human