Flag: North Korea
Registered: June 16, 2024
Last post: June 27, 2024 at 8:31 AM
Posts: 160
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You are bringing the afrecatv stats here lol

posted 1 week ago

Who else but s0ntineLs

posted 1 week ago

They aren’t reaching gf with current style .

posted 1 week ago

Absolutely agree . People see them winning and say they are playing with discipline .

posted 1 week ago

Pauses , lags ,fps drops on smokes .

posted 1 week ago

And it occurs in old age mostly and we don’t do anything most of the time because it’s incidental finding doing turp etc

posted 1 week ago

Fns(alone) and sliggy on top

posted 1 week ago

Champs 2030 Antarctica

posted 1 week ago

Downvoted for saying truth

posted 1 week ago

People don't understand cancer properly. People mostly associate prognosis with site of cancer rather than what types of cells are involved, how much differentiation is there or depth of invasion, their metastatic properties and response to chemo/radio .

posted 1 week ago

Wonder when they will stop recycling boomers

posted 1 week ago

Flag: Turkey
Registered: June 21, 2024
Last post: June 21, 2024 at 5:03 PM
Posts: 1

posted 1 week ago

Fenis alt account revealed.

posted 1 week ago

Ohh my bad . I thought you were saying that it's a cs news and this is vlr

posted 1 week ago

Now what . Microsoft tech support esports

posted 1 week ago

swvyboi => swvybOi

posted 1 week ago

It's off topic buddy

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Please don't cry . I got hypertension from drinking tears of sentinels fans . it's a bad addiction and supply is vast .

posted 1 week ago

Alfajer tokyo is the truth .for tenz d-riders, Alfajer put up those stats against very good teams and it was 2nd masters of season so roasters were stable .

posted 1 week ago

That was the freest tournament ever where you just aim and win which isn't the valorant way . Those stats can't be compared to current teams . Even current t2 teams would box them mercilessly. So stop d-riding the fraud run that they didn't lose a map or tenz farming stats because the opponents weren't good .

posted 1 week ago

Most fraudulent trophies ever . Shameless org didn't even return them .

posted 1 week ago

The is sen word written somewhere

posted 1 week ago

Atleast they didn't loss to some Chinese team twice without taking any map . Wait ardiss did but what can 007 do when the rest of team is so fraud

posted 1 week ago

Even geng banned sunset bind bruh. Did the coaches get cocky and thought th might not have practice time or tired and we can antistrat them ?

posted 1 week ago

I aim with calibrated gyroscope in my pp and shoot by clinching it

posted 1 week ago

007 clears . Not everyone can utilise ardiss. And he didn’t even play that bad for duelist . S0m was the only saving grace on that disaster

posted 1 week ago

Imagine losing to billi fucking billi .

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

1 job just isn't enough for many people to live

Fuck billionaires . Mfs are straight up stealing from working class .

posted 1 week ago

Although movies doesn’t have enough character depth if there are many in there . But we take those

posted 1 week ago

It would be hella cool no .

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Valorant was in infancy and pros from other games were dominating here . Now it’s time for proper valorant raised zoomers . Now teams will Get realisation and start using fresh talent instead of recycled trash . Proper valorant era starts now . TH is the only beginning of it .

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

That's the joke . Noise cancellation

posted 1 week ago

Yukky 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡🚽🚽🚽🗑️🗑️🗑️💩💩💩

posted 1 week ago

Its only a sheriff

posted 1 week ago

Bro team synergy matters . Kills are nice but not everything. When team is firing this much then certainly botfrag doesnt mean anything anway

posted 1 week ago

Geng was smart enough

posted 1 week ago

I can’t hear steel voice when i turn on noise cancellation in headphones. What’s with that

posted 1 week ago

One teams trash is another teams …..

posted 1 week ago

Beavers can die below their own cut tree

posted 1 week ago

First geng and now fnatic

posted 1 week ago

True We need some good rules for replaying rounds

posted 1 week ago

Its so unpredictable . One day it can kill superman and another day batman with aids can take whole thing in his ass and it will do zero damage.

posted 1 week ago
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