N1tro can igl.
Flag: | Turks and Caicos Islands |
Registered: | August 25, 2021 |
Last post: | February 7, 2025 at 3:20 PM |
Posts: | 556 |
FUT wins 2-1 with Jett Diff.
Toronto isnt even top 5 duelist in TR but still playing for a top 3 team.
Qw1 was one of the best options but qw1 rejected fut oxg bbl etc.
But FUT bought RARE and now qw1 will destroy everyone.
-toronto before lcq would be good to get wins but they want to get eliminated early i guess.
Qw1 will drop 45 in 2 and 65 in 3 maps
Cya after the game.
Sentinels represented NA against a fluke team which wasnt even top 5 in eu.
Only thing needs to be done is kick the guy who made the decision to play zeek on phoenix after his dogsh*t petformances against high tier teams.
Zeek statpads with pho against low tier teams but he is so bad with pho against high tier teams.
i wrote it on twitter after they won vs smb that he will flash himself 9 times out of 10 rounds if he uses pho
it was worse than that.
Who made this decision to still play him on phoenix?
Zeek is useless.
Still wants to play phoenix just because he statpads against low tier and still unable to do it against high tier but still letting him play pho :)
Worst phoenix in the valorant scene.
Statpadding against tier9999 and flashes himself and his teammates against tier1-2
There are much better options than him
He should stick to his sova and raze.
Nothing will change trust me even sentinel is overhyped and overrated by the fans.
Fnatic and liquid werent even top 3 teams at the time they just went to iceland because of fluke runs.
Sentinels era isnt a thing and wont be a thing.
Smb did nothing in berlin acting like tourist wont win you games.
Kafalar taktik olarak çok daha iyi iglleri yer değiştirsen serideki maçlar daha kısa sürerdi.
Cyderx daha büyük bir takım hakediyor ve Türkiyenin en iyi igli olma potansiyeline sahip.
Ve sonradan değil tüm kariyeri boyunca igldi adam.
Lauress gone under surgery
if u want to stay top 3
cNed and nukkye
i would say nAts too but he had bad games
leo shao can be up there aswell.
3)there are few options idk which one to pick
They need cypher/kj and duelist or cypher/kj and sova depends on what shao wants to play
Are there any good options to be in the top?
Let ne know which players deserve a shot in fpx
Niesow best player idk if he cheats or not but he was cracked
Zeek against tier4 team 😎
Zeek against tier 1 team 😞😴
its not about player tho.
These players are being pro for the first time.
Thats why u should have proven igl & coach who can teach them.
Not friend of friend as a coach or igl.
Players are decent in bbl but they dont have tactics igl coach or discipline :)
And it wont change anytime soon thats why he should leave
We should write ; go to eu dont waste your time & talent in bbl.
Tenz kanks manks ve de canks diyince benim sıfad
He doesnt have vision to do it.
i wrote the same thing yesterday.
He needs to leave bbl ASAP.
He should join FPX and learn english till next season
We need to encourage him to join into an eu team.
Zeek uses phoenix vs t1 teams ; flashes himself all the time.
Zeek uses phoenix vs low-tier teams ; flashing and statpadding.
Hope he can turn it around :)
Pls take aimdll save him from bbl bs.
he has potential to be like nAts
Just needs to learn english a bit and thats it.
They will play from bootcamp other than cNed.
So it should be quick 2-0
you will see you are wrong after the tourney.
Gelişim süreci ve farklı şeyler denemek için oynuyor FF.
Ciddi aldıklarını düşünmüyorum.
Skylen için sürüş turu olsun diye katılmışlar zaten
He recently changed to sova so no need to mention him for now.
Chronicle Derke Shao are the proven ones.
Chronicle Derke Shao are the top 3 for me ( not in order)
Honorable mentions are lauress cloud russ etc.
Yapmak isteyeni ve vizyonu olanı ingilizce durduramaz.
Pauranın ingilizce hiç yoktu hereticste aslanlar gibi oynadı.
Vizyonu yok demek ki hüsonun ya da linç yiyeceği için korkuyor onu cesaretlendirmek için dedim :) ve dediğimin arkasındayım.
Sözleşmesinin bitmesine az kaldı sanırım ingilizce öğrenip gitsin euya.
Pauranın da ingilizcesi çok berbattı.
Sözleşmesi bbl ile bitene kadar ingilizce öğrensin sonra da gitsin.
Bahane değil bu.
its just a warm up for them to play in bootcamp.
They wont play till the end imo.
u dont have to translate word for word.
He understood the topic.
He just wants to chat sh*t
Paura didnt have good english aswell.
it shouldnt be an excuse.
harry potter language lol xd
Turkish community cant understand english thats why i posted in Turkish
if u dont mind :)
He put friendship over success and its a shame.
i wrote it for Turks.
i can write in eng. but i dont think its important for u guys.
aimdll wasting his talent in bbl.
While he has potential to be like nAts.
Thats why im telling turkish community to wake him up.
nAts kadar potansiyelli olmasına rağmen bu takım işine hala arkadaşlık olarak bakıyor.
Russ ve cned gibi vizyonlu olup avrupaya gitmeli.
Russ dahi dedi ortamı özlüyorum oyunu değil diye aimdll ne diye bu kadar ısrar ediyor anlamadım. Olmuyor işte.
Gerekirse twitterda attığı her posta bbl'den ayrıl kariyerini düşün kendine yazık etme denmeli.
Russ ve cnedden sonra hala uyanamadıysa eğer sıkıntı var.
Avrupada bbldeki aimdllden en az 2 kat daha iyi olacağına eminim.
Taktik koç igl disiplin olmadan bile potansiyelini gösteriyorsa bunların olduğu eu takımlarında oranın tozunu attırır
Gerçek bir igl olan ange1 ile çalışırsa hoş olabilir.
Ancak diyorsa ben kariyer önemsemiyorum başarılı olmak istemiyorum o zaman yapacak bir şey yok.