Paula Nobre, Coreano or TTEW should be a good replacement
Flag: | Angola |
Registered: | April 22, 2024 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 4:35 PM |
Posts: | 764 |
Paula Nobre, Coreano or TTEW should be a good replacement
less fault, kids top tier at the video game, but suck as a person
cant compare goat to a rookie, same thing to compare jinggg with monyet (monyet clears qck btw)
idk bro sacys gekko was one of the main reasons sen won masters, he abused the agent
i hate to hate on this guy cuz hes new at team and role but, he doesnt help me, damn
tbh is more cuz of champions, he had a HUGE peak ngl, but thats all i guess, na fans may be mad but atm we could say hes a one season wonder
up to debate due the fact the TEAM TROPHIES he won, but individualy aspas is unmatched, btw s1mple is csgo goat, no device, u know why? pq nem se compara ow seu arrombado, então para de mamar os caras
hes good but he had some problems envolving racism agains brazilians, some shit against dgzin if im not mistaken
at this point we could say that G2 > fluke nrg? i mean, they at least won a map and didnt go single digits in rounds in 2 maps hahaha
tbh do you even care about a ranking in a video game site? lol i just logged in to talk the truth and trigger nrg fans cuz theyre salty af
100t has a huge hype since i dont fucking know when and won nothing until this day how theyre criminally underated??????? sen may be overated cuz ppl always loved the suck balls of NA teams even if theyre shit (not the case with sen) but they at least won 2 t1 events
i really dont know what did happen to mwzera, he was quite good in keyd stars
Scream dont deserve shit to be honest, had his prime in cs but choked when they needed him most, hes basically retired since 2018
they should have a global ranking as just as hltv, this regional point system just sucks, vlr is a shit copy, when u look for statistics theres a random guy above aspas lmao
i respect ur opinion, but oni is above them all, i hate most of valorant goofy ass skins, but this one looks dope
why do i feel that valorant have a huge tier gap between teams, i mean, in cs back in the day in a 16 teams tournament like at least 10 - 12 teams could be a real contender to the trophy, but in valorant feels like 3 : 5 teams are good and the rest is garbage
bro, he had one good tournament, its over, get over it, hes washed since
aged like milk, here come the excuses for the one season wonder
hated it first but riot make so many mistakes in the map pool that im enjoying watch and play it
thoughts on jingggs return? they can be a force again or even being finalist at champions against eg was lucky? btw i think teams are more prepared for their style of gameplay, but ngl, is SO MUCH FUN watch they play in their prime
he just a one time wonder cocky trash talker, so glad he got humbled
bro u know why s1mple is the goat of cs and no device or dupreeh? inividual performance winning or not, and aspas delivers, by ur logic sacy > tenz
people may hate by the fact that hes brazilian and they have a bad reputation on internet and outside of it, but aspas is the goat BY FAR, since he joined loud in 2022 this dude its being incredible at top level for 2 years and a half no joke, got destroyed here and there by some teams as fnatic or eg, but, still the goat