Flag: Myanmar
Registered: March 30, 2023
Last post: March 28, 2024 at 10:08 AM
Posts: 262
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Saving strats? OMEGALUL

posted 11 months ago

EG humbling Brazilians

posted 11 months ago

This aint going to be free for LOUD. Last h2h from them are relatively close but if EG can overcome map 3 curse then there is a chance. EG also got some confidence boost from their last two 2-0 wins in the group stage. I wouldn't be surprised if Loud loses to EG.

posted 11 months ago

Demon1 + friends clear FUT


posted 11 months ago

Prime Yay clears Prime Aspas.

posted 11 months ago

Fuck suicide. Rest in peace King, gone too soon 💔💔💔

It was an honor of watching you play.

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posted 11 months ago

Bro is lost in the sauce.

posted 11 months ago

What kind of horse shit comps are they even using? And the number of times they lost 5v4 / 5v3 and thrifty rounds are in-fucking sane. I disagreed with people who keep yepping that 'real DSG fans' should only support the team no matter what. I don't think being a Yes man is a real fan, The real fans should not only support but also criticize their team so that they could thrive. I mean I put my expectations super low for this team but not only that they are losing a lot, but they are losing in the most embarrassing fashions. Sure, they have amazing individual players/talents but the whole teamwork is just little to non-existent. There are some extreme idiots who just insulting the team + players cuz maybe they lost their bets, which who I don't agreed with. But also, those things shouldn't be an excuse for them to have performed so shit, they are paid professional. If they get relegated, I think Toast really need to man up, make changes asap (If he considers to not disband this messed up team). Sadly, this is the reality of all E-sport organizations. This is just my opinion, but I think Toast should try to look for a different coach, and perhaps hire a decent manager. I have watched every recent vods from them and the mistakes that they were doing was painfully obvious and it should be easy to fix. I honestly hope them the best and definitely will love to see them proving me wrong and somehow not get relegated. Prayge to DSG <3

posted 11 months ago

If G2 lose this, then they should disband asap. It's just embarrassing.

posted 11 months ago

51% HS from Aproto is just unreal

posted 11 months ago

PRX is your VCT Master Tokyo Champion!!!

posted 11 months ago
  1. FNS
  2. saadhak
  3. ANGE1
  4. Redgar
  5. Stax
  6. Petra
posted about a year ago

+2.5 maps DRX wins

HIGHLY UNLIKELY but the odds are super good. And who knows.... Fnatic lost a map to BBL, Loud lost a map to KRU.

DRX recently gave a map out to RRQ + DRX already guaranteed for play-off, there isn't a reason for them to try.

Even if they want to maintain 1st seed, losing a map wouldn't matter.

posted about a year ago

Big Booty Latinas Clears these frauds.

posted about a year ago

KC beating KOI isnt that impressive, also FUT are really good in Lotus and Ascent, which are also KC fav maps. 2-0 FUT i think

posted about a year ago

I swear this comment sections are full of iron 1 hindsight harry.

posted about a year ago

2-1 Either way... I wouldn't be surprised if Vitality win this since FNC are already locked in for play-off and the winning this is kind of meaningless for Fnatic. Plus, they would probably hide any secret strats and run typical default comps. Vitality also probably will try to win or at least make it close since the round differential is going to be important for them.

posted about a year ago

How are we arrogant... we are just Ultra COPING and also, we talk shit more at own region team than different other region teams.

posted about a year ago

KRU 2-0 NRG, NOT even Jinxing, I have lost all hopes for NRG... they are now in the past memories. Feels bad for S0m he needs leave asap and maybe become 6th man for the BEST NA Team aka Cloud9.

posted about a year ago

LEV didn't troll they know the spike was drop and the time was low, BANG just made a smart gamble of them being passive (only swing when he tries to plant) so he went aggressive to Taco position taking isolated 1v1. If I have to be very critical, I'll say that Mazino not using his smoke to cover the main where bang was coming from was kinda of a mistake. But the situation was tense and anything could have happened.

posted about a year ago

What a clutch by Bang, NA ON TOP !

posted about a year ago

Yay got humiliated by tier 2 team KEKW

posted about a year ago

Yeh giving 19 rounds to DFM is low-key embarrassing LOL

posted about a year ago

Also unlike MIBR, NRG has OpTic core plus ex FPX player, who are overall has far more LAN experience than MIBR. So how is that not a good logic?

posted about a year ago

Lol you think MIBR actually had a chance to beat Lev? Delusional.

posted about a year ago

LMAO, brother no need to jinx. TS will mop them.

posted about a year ago

I am going for NRG win here... just because I can't see them not making it to play-off. C9 has a lot of momentum and I think the rookies (Runi and Jakee) are both feeling high confidence. So perhaps C9 might take a map off.

NRG 2-1 C9.

posted about a year ago

SEN surely win here. 2-1 If Dephh keep trolling. 2-0 If Dephh doesn't troll too hard.

No disrespect but I feel like MIBR beating NRG was because NRG just didn't play at their typical level.

My final prediction 2-0 SEN

posted about a year ago

They had decent start and RRQ only has just beaten TS. That's probably why... But yeh ez free cash for sure.

posted about a year ago

Obviously, TS clears DFM.

However, I have a feeling that it would be 2-1.

Like: TS (13-4)

DFM (16-14)

TS (13-6)

I honestly don't see any team that DFM are capable of beating except Talon Esport.

posted about a year ago

Great odds for RRQ.

T1 had a good start but they somehow spiraled into Talon Esport Version 2.

RRQ didn't have a great start, but keep in mind that they played against some strong teams, and some are even close to be in Map 3.

It might even be 2-0 for RRQ. Since RRQ most likely will ban Lotus, which leaves Ascent for T1 sort of.

RRQ players are also overall performing more better than T1 players.

My final prediction: RRQ 2-0 T1

posted about a year ago

This really show underrated the OpTic Core is a lot of people were making memes about how Yay carried that team and stuff. I also think Yay will get better than he is now... I guess he's kind of rusty a bit since it has been sometimes that he hasn't play proper pro matches. If I'm DSG coach, I will definitely try to make the teamwork around Yay... Also, Yay had a 10 FK which is an important notice that he still had an impact as a duelist. Comps are also a bit weird... I will definitely just let Gangsta play initiator role and if they want to go for a double controller than let Clear and Steel play it. Nerve did great job, so I don't think he needs any changes.

posted about a year ago

I feel like Oxygen win here, Ofc I would like to see DSG win but they just look so trash in split 1 and play-off. I also don't think Yay would be able to carry. Dont give me wrong he is really good but it's a team game. Hopefully it's a close game.

posted about a year ago

ScreaM Duelist + Sheriff Only + IGL
Nivera Smoke
xms Sentinel
Shin Initiator
Newzera Flex

If you disagreed, you're clearly braindead.

posted about a year ago

Top 5 of all time or at the moment? If it's all time, then it's bad. if it's at the moment I like it, but I will put Mako over Less.

posted about a year ago

I'm not sure if DRX has enough points to be qualified for the play-off but if they do, I wouldn't be surprised DRX goes 5 duelists and troll the game.

posted about a year ago

COPIUM + Ratio

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

TLN has been the definition of bad atm... but If they actually fix some mistakes and take it seriously it will be worrisome for GE.

posted about a year ago

I can tell this comment is COPIUM but just have to mention that...

All of the Talon rosters has below 1.0 ratings. (Who are Thai)


I dont think it will be a free win Lil bro, be humble 💀💀💀

posted about a year ago

I honestly hope GE does not replace Monyet with LF. I don't mind if Wronski get replaced with SkRossi, although I think it will be a bit of risk. However, I still feel highly confident on GE getting this win. Talon after VCT Sao Paulo event has been "dog sh*t" for the lack of better words. The whole players are just struggling in terms of being consistent with their roles. Patti has not been the "superstar player" that used to be. GE Bazzi Texture Monyet has been decently impressive so far, and Ayrin although his k/d is trash, some of his calls has been really great so far (especially their pistol rounds). With no disrespect, if GE replace both Moneyt and Wronski then I'll be worried for GE. I understand that a lot of Indian fans of GE are upset with the current roster, but the time has come and let's hope SkRossi has great debut for VCT pacific. #GEFIGHTING <3

EDIT: Not sure if it's true but I heard that both SkRossi and LF will be playing... Like I have said before I don't mean to be disrespectful towards indian esport players, but I just have not seen LF and Skrossi performance against the international teams. For this reason, I switch my prediction to TLN... it will probably be close. I hope to be proven wrong.

EDIT: I thought that Monyet will be replaced by LF that's why I said TLN but still I am glad to see GE are looking impressive and strong.

posted about a year ago

not sure about lf but i think rossi will

posted about a year ago
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