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Registered: August 21, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 3:04 AM
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You got caught putting your makeup on clown

posted about a year ago

How is being petty based?

posted about a year ago

Toxic environment (aka steel)

posted about a year ago

Not really, steel isn't that good and only worked because of the teams synergy. But it turned into a toxic environment that wasn't good for any of them. This new team is plenty good to keep ol Nadeshot happy

posted about a year ago

Is that 4th place talking? Don't get me started on how emea was struggling to get out of groups at Champions

posted about a year ago

Bro ardiis is good but cryo, yay, tenz, bdog (very underrated), and Dicey are all star opers. We don't need more

posted about a year ago

Same reason leaf was on jett and mitch was on chamber

posted about a year ago

Stellar is a great igl for 100T, I wouldn't consider replacing him at all. The only person I'd reckon replacing is Will. But with that being said you can't ignore Sean Gares impact in 100T success. He built the current 100T team and trained them. He is a genius!

posted about a year ago

Pretty cool but DM doesn't really mean anything, it's great for target practice but doesn't prove actual skill

posted about a year ago

I believe 100T will be the only team without a massive overhaul and will be dominant at the beginning of vct 2023 due to their amount of practice as a team unlike all the other newly remade teams. This does not mean they'll be heavily dominant all year though

posted about a year ago

Diceys feats with FaZe are nothing to scoff at, him and Babybay carried that team almost to Champions through lcq. He is definitely worth $3 none less

posted about a year ago

Victor's talents would get wasted on that team because leaf and xeppa are their duelists

posted about a year ago

Sure then haven't achieved anything but Dicey and Babybay were strong arming their entire vct run. They were doing pretty good and looked like they have a decent chance at making it to champions

posted about a year ago

Probably the best take I've seen so far, but I would also consider just replacing Will with Yay

posted about a year ago

Reading comprehension on a 5 year old, your building on preexisting teams not a whole new team

posted about a year ago

Mada for $2, what a deal

posted about a year ago

It's a bit of both, Riot doesn't want no bad light near their scene even if it was only allegations. And orgs don't want to touch him because he would be a liability and cause bad blood with riot if anything else came up

posted about a year ago

You say in the past like this is the same org, it's a different org with the title Optic. The org Envy bought out the rights to Optic then rebranded

posted about a year ago

What'd he do?

posted about a year ago

How can you say that as an Xset fan, bro I'm still so upset Optic and xset didn't make it :(

posted about a year ago

The way Tenz has been going he is a content creator and honestly would do more for the org as one

posted about a year ago

He is saying the competition over there is easy

posted about a year ago

I love seeing the support from Loud fans to us grieving Optic fans. Our rivalry was the best there was, it was fun while it lasted!

posted about a year ago

Bro I have no idea who that is nor do I care

posted about a year ago

Bro I put the Envy banner on back during first strike, I refuse to change it

posted about a year ago

Bro stfu, I'm just pissed they screwed the top 2 teams in the NA region. This benefits nobody except their greedy selves

posted about a year ago

And it will end that way sadly

posted about a year ago

Oh wow, still not gonna get picked up by anyone

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

100T probably won't change at all except for changing out Will

posted about a year ago

Speak for yourself, this was worst case scenario for me

posted about a year ago

I'm gonna miss our rivalry 🥺

posted about a year ago

The best NA teams got dropped to make room for the sentineLs, bro I'm over riot fuck this shit

posted about a year ago

So they just gonna ignore skyes flash bug?

posted about a year ago

Ahh yes, taking away just about every corner so the map is all halls is so much better. That was literally everyone's problem with split, which is better than all these new garbage maps

posted about a year ago

Kj turret is supposed to adjust back after firing not during, go check for yourself I promise you it will always fire in the same direction without turning back before it finishes

posted about a year ago

Br teams (except for loud) barely compete against NA t2, how tf you expect them to beat faze, nrg, or eg?

posted about a year ago

Bro Optic didn't make it, this blows

posted about a year ago

Gotta be the funniest joke I've seen today

posted about a year ago

It's been fun watching the best of the best fight it out

posted about a year ago

Noooo, I'm down with the hopium. DRX got this

posted about a year ago

HAHAHAHAH, I got some news for ya

posted about a year ago

You know what's also embarrassing? Having the whole crowd cheer for you and then letting them down by getting 0-2'd by NA's 2nd best team

posted about a year ago

Optic has been constantly running through teams on LAN, literally have no idea how you think they're dogshit on it when FNATIC struggles most the time to even make it to LAN

posted about a year ago

Mine is

posted about a year ago

I appreciate you!

posted about a year ago

Bro like 98% of people would, there is a reason they are pro players. This is a shit arguement

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago
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