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Rating history

Core ID:
Form Rating
Ranking History
Current Rank
3W 4L
1496 1495 1494 1493 1492 1491 1489 1488 Matches Played Rating
September 23, 2024
vs. YDZ Esports
YFP x Alliance Lockdown Arena
Loss (Placement) – 1493 vs. 1560
September 23, 2024
vs. Tenax GC
YFP x Alliance Lockdown Arena
Win (Placement) – 1493 vs. Unrated
September 23, 2024
vs. YDZ Esports
YFP x Alliance Lockdown Arena
Win (Placement) – 1493 vs. 1559
September 24, 2024
vs. Brimstone with a Fusion Bomb
YFP x Alliance Lockdown Arena
Loss (Placement) – 1493 vs. 1502
September 27, 2024
vs. The Cutchers
The Funhaver Invitational - Fight or Flight 3
Loss (Placement) – 1493 vs. Unrated
September 27, 2024
vs. VieR Esports
The Funhaver Invitational - Fight or Flight 3
Win +3 – 1493 vs. Unrated
September 27, 2024
vs. Nightblood Gaming
The Funhaver Invitational - Fight or Flight 3
Loss -7 – 1496 vs. 1592
Current Rank
3W 4L
139 140 Current Ranking
North America

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