Recent Results

Current Roster

Rating history

Core ID:
Form Rating
Ranking History
Current Rank
1W 6L
1445 1444 1443 1441 1440 1439 1438 1437 Matches Played Rating
February 23, 2024
vs. 1553pork
The Funhaver Invitational - Initiation
Loss (Placement) – 1442 vs. 1546
February 23, 2024
vs. 50 Shoplifters
The Funhaver Invitational - Initiation
Loss (Placement) – 1442 vs. 1481
August 9, 2024
vs. Fargo North Dakota
The Funhaver Invitational - Summertime Slugfest 4
Loss (Placement) – 1442 vs. Unrated
August 9, 2024
vs. Asura Onyx
The Funhaver Invitational - Summertime Slugfest 4
Loss (Placement) – 1442 vs. 1466
August 16, 2024
vs. SeanGares' Kittens
The Funhaver Invitational - Summertime Slugfest 5
Loss (Placement) – 1442 vs. 1509
August 16, 2024
vs. roofcampers
The Funhaver Invitational - Summertime Slugfest 5
Win +3 – 1442 vs. Unrated
August 16, 2024
vs. SeanGares' Kittens
The Funhaver Invitational - Summertime Slugfest 5
Loss -8 – 1445 vs. 1509
Current Rank
1W 6L
242 245 247 250 252 255 257 260 Mar '24 Current Ranking
North America
VCT 2024 Kickoff
North America

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