Grats. It's pretty interesting to see only 1 match mvp with so many wins. When I was ranking up, I'd get match mvp/team mvp almost every game on any agent I played, which was usually Omen/Skye. You're still positive about every game which is good, but it appears you've been lucky with the teammates you've gotten, and I say that because most of the games aren't even close.
Okay so hear my story
I had a pc with bad thermal system and the highest I was able to reach was gold 2 (my mic didn't work in that pc, so I had no coms)
I was the match mvp in most of the games but I was never able to get out of gold 2
Recently I got a good pc and ranked up from silver 2- plat 2 in 4 days soloq with 10 winstreak max (I play viper,sova,raze)
One thing that helped me was using mics and communicating
Most of my teammates didn't have mics (specially in silver) and I started communicating for them after I die, ie , calling out enemy positions/utilities by spectating my teammates.
I was the match mvp only 4-5 times but I feel like my coms definitely won us some crucial rounds.
I think you have good aim and game sense (that's why you're the match mvp almost every game)
Try communicating for your teammates after you die
Normally backseat gaming is bad but if your teammates dont talk and play on their own, its better that you guide them and take the game into your own hands
Try this and let me know <3
What an absolutely atrocious take. You do not need to MVP to justify your rank-ups, that is the most clueless thing I have ever heard. If he was playing a duelist then your point would make some semblance of sense, but as a Viper or any other controller/initiator, you are not expected to MVP. Your job is to help the team with your utility, which requires playing more passively.