Yes but time was so low already, if he had gone elbow nAts has zero chance to defuse on time even if he gets killed because of where the bomb was planted.
i feel like you have to gamble that first is a tap if he cant even see bomb nor wants to ult because it would reveal his location but it was played pretty well just unlucky in the end
gives away position if done on the first tap, and if you miss one or 2 hits then it isn't a guaranteed kill on nats defusing. Also better off to try play the aimduel 1v1 and save the ult for later rounds, it really doesn't add much to that situation
ult could've been easily dodged twice and tanked the last time. and after that nats can just stick before trexx makes it around the corner. so, i think it was a deliberate choice to chase on tap. but, poor positioning anyway.