KRU vs Fnatic:
Will they KRUmple? Or will they KRUsh? Only time will tell...
Neither Wud be a close match FNC 2-1 KRU
I see. Neither team wil KRUise, then. That is also acceptable.
sorry couldn't think of a better pun
Don't worry, you're not under any sKRUtiny.
Ok that one was clever
I really had to sKRUb my brain to create it.
A sKRUffy match would be the most entertaining.
26-1 repeat from Reykjavik incoming (excl. pistol rounds)
A KRUel prediction, indeed.
I see you've KRUnched the numbers.
Love KRU but dudes here saying its going to be close match kekw copium hard
It's a given that people will be under the influence of KRUpium, it's very exhilarating.
im gonna krum
What a KRUde comment.
Fnatic will be KRUel and boaster will knife everyone but winning fracture would be KRUcial for both teams
If Boaster goes for a knife kill and messes up, he will be KRUcified.
Cant wait to see KRUller of any team being smashed on plat chat
2-0 fnatic ez stomp
Every time I watch Fnatic, I KRUum
MAP 1 will be a KRUcial map for KRU i think
Its a KRUcial game but im rooting for my boys ofcourse to close it 2-1