Which player do we think will take yoman’s place in Gen.G?
My guess is Lakia Zest Ash but I don't know shit about tier 2
Zest Ash JaXe
Lakia is unlikely since he said he probably won't be back until stage 2
Oh true I forgot
it will be suggest and ash, they been scriming with them and also playing ranked together or with someone from geng squad
What about sayaplayer? He played in T1 (if I’m not mistaken) but I’m pretty sure if Lakia would be the obvious choice IF he could play
Sayaplayer is in REJECT rn and wouldnt fit anyway since they have t3xture
right, i forgot he was a duelist haha
Lakia is still injured and estrella blew the deal they had, so no clue honestly
zestkr ????!?!??!