congrats to T1 these guys are actually fucking insane they deserve this win so much and makes Pacific a better, region as a whole hopefully this gives the region the confidence to play better for more banger match ups.
Plus stax and BuZz deserve this they worked so hard and I love these guys, they came so close each time and now they finally did it.
To G2 don't be discouraged you have continued to climb higher and higher every year.
2023- won Ascension and qualed to Tier1
2024- qualed to Masters and Champions over actual Tier1 teams
2025- made a GF appearance in a international and made the series a banger
There is no doubt in my mind you boys can win Toronto/Paris.
To the fans of both teams it's absolutely amazing seeing you guys, so passionate about your teams I'm hoping you keep this fire for future match ups and we might see a T1 and G2 rivalry this year.