Bangkok teams ranked by maps

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You need to be better than your opponent at 4 maps to win an event, thats why some teams like TE, TL and Sen got knocked out of the tournamnet early on because they had only 2 or 3 good maps. Now, we only have 4 teams at the tournament, I ranked the teams on each map:
Rankings go from left to right, 1st team written being the best, last team being the worst

Abyss: G2, Vit, EDG, T1
Bind: Vit, EDG, T1, G2
Fracture: EDG, Vit, T1, G2
Haven: EDG, T1, G2, VIT
Lotus: T1, G2, VIT, EDG
Pearl: G2, T1, EDG, VIT
Split: Vit, EDG, G2, T1

Haven and Lotus rankings could change a lot, since none of these teams played against each other on those maps yet and these maps might be the deciding maps in all the matches and no one 1st bans these maps. So based on the rankings, 4 points for the best teams, 1 point for the worst team, here are the overall rankings:
EDG: 19
VIT: 18
G2: 17
T1: 16

What are your rankings for these teams? Who has the best map pool?


you think EDG are worse at pearl than t1 despite pushing G2 to overtime?


Double pistol + hero rounds helped them a lot, otherwise it would ve been like 13-9 for G2


EDG lost like 2 ecos as well, you can arguably say EDG shouldve won pearl, if you say EDG are just accustomed to losing ecos, then I would say EDG are accustomed to winning pistols with a 8-2 pistol record. and in champs it was just as high.


I feel like overall map comfortability can be just seen by looking at bind and pearl against G2 if you ignore pistol and ecoes as the factor. You can clearly see EDG are good bind team by how they were defending long B, flooding and denying plant on A etc, but on Pearl it took lots of ults, hero plays and mistakes from G2 to win rounds.


G2 have a good split? Feel like I never see it from them


Its more that other teams dont like playing split in this tournament apart from VIT. Most of the teams who love split DRX, Sen and TL got eliminated, EDG never pick it cuz they have better maps, T1 have a chamber comp and they 2nd ban split if they have a chance to ban split, G2 in Americas always had split as the 3rd map but never went to split until grand finals(so they think they have a good split from prac) but loss to SEN was more of a nerves and Sen just being better than them and I think they will beat T1's chamber comp on split with yoru+tejo

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