My favourites for ascension (yeah its late ik)

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Youre gonna have to believe me on this one but i had this opinion since a few days before the start of the tournament.

My favourites for top 4 were and still are:

  1. Gonext
  2. Apex
  3. pcific
  4. Joblife

in that order.

i initially underrated joblife since france lost a lot of talent through Gm8 ascending and kadavra leaving for T1 so i didnt watch them much but one of you tipped me of in their direction on my last post so i rewatched french finals and the round before that with joblife and they were actually really impressive so i added them late. Still on the lower end since its only french league. its not quite turkey or eastern level.

i would have rated pcific at one by pure firepower but i was too chicken to put them at the top since they are a risky pick due to their inexperience so 3rd it is. i have a gut feeling now to put them second but that would be with the information of their first game of ascension which would hurt the intergrity of my list so i cant.

Apeks is apeks. Cant rank them outside of T4 imo. Too much experience. Too solid. Decent players with a supercarry in kajak. but i have a feeling they wont make it in the end. Some team is just gonna have better firepower and beat them. In my mind that was gonna be GoNext which so far seems to be accurate.

Gonext feels like the best team to me. Good combination of really strong individuals across the board with a really sound foundation of strategy and synergy. feels like a t1 team.

i would be quite surprised if someone other than them would win the event. teams like CGN, barca and others are good too but have some missing pieces imo.

  1. Barsa
  2. Mouz
  3. Saw
    Last one. GONEXT (zeek toxic washed)

okay man


Pcific or joblife is going to win ascension

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