They had like 3 or 4 rounds getting fucked in mid by the same play over and over. How they getting caught off guard by these mid pushes all the time wtf
people call them the smartest team in NA btw FNS clears these frauds
your nickname is atrocious bro
It's based
G2 smartest? They overrated ngl
They are overrated af. The tactics may work in americas but not at international stage
Flair check
Botssi πΏπ·
Money less org
Disagree. Their tactics do work they have good fundamentals and set plays but garbage adjustments
Their whole strat is dependent on the other team's mistakes right? Cuz thats what I saw vs LEV and FNC
Their strat is to sneak jonahp on disgusting angles via viper wall or rely on leaf lurk in getting sites for easy team rotate
G2 rely on opponent mistake, but Fnatic play like G2