if u cry after every loss ur immune to criticism!
2/15 is still 2/15 at the end of the day
Im not acting like Boaster is the exception to this, it not cool for whoever recieves them. People who sends them should be hardware banned from social media imo
The amount of hate and toxicity isn't justafied either, Boaster spready positivity and tries to make everyone smile and have a fun time. He is not a toxic POS.
what is bro on π
OP posted this becuz boster has so many supporters compared to others who performed badly like c0m, I was agreeing with him because for some reason you think only b0tster is the only pro getting excessive hate
also where is the proof of these so called death threats? I'd like you to link any evidence of this
thanks for reading what I said then calling me "toxic loser" π
boaster is the leader of the team and he was never expected to be "good"
you expect boasted to do bad frag wise, but he makes up for it with his IGLing
c0m is dropping the same numbers while he is supposed to be good and not IGLing
now im not saying boaster doesnt deserve criticism but you can't compare him to c0m