lil throwback reminder
"we fought a monster" gives me chills ngl
he got bro speaking like an anime character
translation = we played against the most broken agent this game has ever seen
chamber didnt even exist during this match LMAO
bro is a casual to not know that chamber wasnt out when envy was a team
jett insta dash, but its funny yall instantly thoght of chamber, he truly is a finished chamber merchant
jett with insta dash was not more broken than chamber LOL
holy fuck you guys are actually retarded, ofcourse jett was the most broken at that time, or who was better than jett when chamber wasnt in the game?
What series was he on about?
Probably this one
guy was glazing
FrosT knows ball u just a casual sit out on this one bro
now you're glazing the guy for glazing yay, crazy
this was the series and yeah it mustve been a monster
over 2.0 rating and 31 kills in 18 rounds and he 6-0 diffed the other jett