text block 1
text block 2
spoiler block 1
text block 3
spoiler block 2
text block 4
spoiler block 3
text block 5
spoiler block 4
i need this for a post, sorry anyone
HIIII CONUT, you are probably wondering what i need this for you'll see later :) also hru
i need you later im very good
WHAT i'm glad you are good conut
Are you good
im doing fine, was very sad yesterday middle day though for what seemed like no apparent reason but i think i know what it was now
I think your format tester fixed it
LMFAOOO no, i was worried abt one of my friends and her grandma, but i don't really get like that for friends often if ever (i can't remember any other time) so I couldn't figure out why. Ps. Conut ik you DON'T MAKE THIS WEIRD
Make what weird
conut you know exactly what im talking about, and if you don't,
look at the pronouns infront of grandma(her)
i love using spoiler now lmfaooo
wtf is this
i've never formatted on VLR before, besides bullet points and numbered things i guess, so im seeing if it works how i think it should for a post later
W (idk what the post will be but I just know it'll be a W post)
1. > ``` 1. - [- > ``` 1. > [# ~~# ***1. Hi***~~text](link) ```text](link)
what does this do
https://www.vlr.gg/348993/stage-1s-all-valorant-teams was for this