seems hella low compared to last year and last tourney... americas is cooked bro
no sen = -50% viewership
those two teams have no clout sadly
100t is the like the 2nd most clouted na team no?
do they have more clout than SEN and NRG?
depends. i see a lot of fans for both on these forums
hoodie org
AP exams soon
The kids aren’t watching
They are studying
look who is playing bro, not rocketscience
everyone is just watching the streamer viewparties
yk when they make a total viewership count they count watch parties also
SEN and Loud have like half the clout in Americas
why watch if there is no sen :(
to watch teams play better valorant
yea, to get a preview of how theyll get humuliated at shanghai
most people care about competitiveness not viewership