If TS beat T1 today, everyone need to buy TS bundle and become TS fans.
And when T1 win are you buying the T1 bundle?
buy T1 bundle
exactly time to buy up buddy
Nah I'm good If they get 2nd place tho, I will
Pls stfu. Ur baits are so annoying holy shit
hes not even a ts fan hes just farming hate against ts fans lol
Obviously lol and the way he types i doubt hes filo. I dont know why anybody falls for this shit
I want you to buy DFM bundle
buying black/white/red Team bundles is a crime against humanity
fking fake flagger
if they win Shanghai, I'll buy it
we found TS marketing team acc.
T1 bundle clears Tass bundle lol
T1 sucks anyway. I have no idea how they made playoffs. Give me a call when TS beats PRX in playoffs or Gen.G
Only then I will consider it
TS OUT lmao, T1 sucks right!!
not worth