So team secret and GenG are qualifying from the way it seems. Now. Let's talk about that third spot 💀
GE has 2 matches left (PRX and DFM)
BLD has 2 matches left (PRX and DRX)
T1 has 1 match left (Zeta)
So basically, BLD is cooked. It will come down to GE vs DFM and T1 vs Zeta
GE is 4-6 in terms of maps and T1 is 4-8
Putting in circumstances —
GE vs PRX — 0-2
(GE — 4-8 and they slip down to fourth position, T1 goes third, in playoffs)
GE vs PRX — 1-2
(GE — 5-8 and they stay in third with a map lead over T1)
GE vs PRX — 2-1
(GE — 6-7 and they solidify their position in third with a win and two map lead over T1)
GE vs PRX — 2-0
(GE — 6-6)
final week
T1 vs ZETA — 2-0 if GE vs PRX 0-2
(T1 qualifies)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-0 if GE vs PRX 1-2
(T1 qualifies if GE loses against DFM)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-0 of GE vs PRX 2-0
(GE qualifies if they get 1 round on DFM)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-1 if GE vs PRX 0-2
(T1 qualifies if GE loses against DFM or wins 2-1 by round diff)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-1 if GE vs PRX 1-2
(T1 qualifies if GE loses against DFM)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-1 if GE vs PRX 2-1
(T1 qualifies if GE loses against DFM 2-0)
T1 vs ZETA — 2-1 if GE vs PRX 2-0
(GE qualifies by map diff even before playing against DFM)
In any other circumstances, if T1 loses 1-2 GE needs win over DFM or two combined rounds over the two matches to qualify. If T1 loses 0-2 GE needs 1 round over 2 matches and it's over. They qualify.
And if all of them fail, someone from group Omega gonna qualify. It's like a fucking spider web. Who the fuck made this format
This shit entertaining af. The mid off is going crazy.
I may have calculated wrong somewhere in which case, comment below