we just need to see his numbers on breeze and icebox, mans just goes crazy on his reyna more than his jett/raze. who else would be in contention for the world's best reyna? i can only think of tenz, redgar, scream.
title correction lmao: world's best reyna: asuna?
The answer:
not really, cant compare people with 300 rounds on reyna with asuna with 900 rounds on reyna. still shot_up up there with 1500 rounds damn.
Oh for sure, the only players that have played vs top teams regularly and over 300maps with Reyna would be; TenZ, ScreaM, SHot_Up and then Asuna
yeah that makes more sense.
Best Reyna in the Asuna is world
They should make 100t a six man and bring asuna out only for breeze and icebox,.
you will get an email from 100t soon
best reyna is scream
ScreaM Shot_uP even Redgar on Haven
To be completely honest I think it’s T*nz, but you can’t say that on this forum, so ScreaM I guess
no you can, which is why i put both tenz and scream for contention.
Scream Asuna Shot Up