Mistic is playing site, okay, but he has 0 util to support him?
The same round, after mistic dies, jampii flashes out of tower and nats peeks, and gets trades. But the issue is, zyppan is close screen because enzo is forced to leave, so when enzo and jampii try helping nats out, theyre too late making the flood useless. AND KEIKO IS STILL IN B?? whats the point of fast retaking without 1. all players 2. no coordination because you dont have enough control 3 WITHOUT A SHOWSTOPER LMFAOOOO Regardless of breach ult, what is he even going to do against a breach flash into a flood?
Another round Navi are splitting into A, enzo and Nats are tower alone, and I think Navi is 2 tower and 1 main. Wall goes up, a bit of tower window is covered, enzo is forced to swing, but he immediately dies and nats doesnt trade but instead tucks back to get a better angle, but instead the guys in site kill him because jampii and one more guy were playing too safe in site instead of actively backing up nats. What sucks is that the wall that was saving nats was his wall and it runs out just as suy peeks. Now you can blame the fade ult and that the guys site didnt hear, but nats was probably comming the stuff at heaven so at least 1 person in site should have been holding or watching main to cover nats.