Is mwzera better than heat ?
If he is, its kinda similar situation in SA.
Vlt as a team is better than GE.
But skrossi is better than any other jett in SA.
Same in the case of VK and Gamelanders.
definitely yes
heat is unprofessional (he was kicked by his old team because he didnt want to do team stuff outside the server - gym, cardio, psychologist, and so on)
heat is nothing but a ranked players so far (won just 1 title in brazil and a very lucky one i'd say)
not flexible enough with agents - means his team cant adapt to metas
heat is mono jett (everyone can kill with this agent, even steel from 100T dropped like 20 kills with jett versus SEN -
heat wont be successful in the long run
by the way, whenever you have a question about brazilian VAL you can always DM me
I've been RADIANT top50 since season 1
I know pretty much everything about our scene and players, even off the 'camera'
I was also the first person EVER to predict that VKS (when they were the absolut #1 team in Brazil BY FAR) would not do good with sacy as jett