Redgar is one of those players really benefits off having a Russian team
Honestly giants should drop hoody get nats drop fithino( ik one of their best) and get trexx book gambit 2.0
this is just wrong, it was nukkye and cloud who were top 2 on the team, fitinho is probably the worst player on the roster just because of his inability to frag and his subpar entrying, idk what the hell ur smoking
Nope gambit had other problems after the war d3ffo fell off hard and eys redgar wasnt adapting to the meta and that was one of their problems he is stilla t1 roaster and give him a russian roaster and then see
Not the war nor deffo. Gambit successed because of coach engh, we can see how good coach he is even now with karmine. Not just redar or deffo even sheydos and nats fell of after gambit.
He should maybe take notes from boaster and study how to be better igl
Redgar is always too serious he need to start doing funny walkouts maybe lighten up a bit and then less stress so he can win more kinda like boaster the igl from fan antic