Dum ahh lazy mf when you gonna do a new coding project vlr stat post instead of playing val everyday
broski im not bragging you just stated i should grind to immortal even though i already did it 😁cant be stuck on the same goal forever
to the second tip idk i never encountered that, i always use the smokes for my team i rarely use them for my usecase... and even if i do use it i never get blamed so maybe elo / region issue?
tdm way better than dm fasho, go this ghost-deagle-guardian-vandal its the best for better aim, try to learn how to peek how to hold how to use weapon strengths
idk how u aim but try to take things slowly you usually have way more time than you think you do especialyl in lower elos
always go for headshot the bodyshotting is not worth it bro trust me