1.Demon1 2.Zekken 3.TenZ 4.Less 5.Aspas 6.Ethan 7.Kingg 8.Pancada 9.Marved 10.Sacy
jawgemo, trent, keznit, kingg
Keznitdeus where? The owner of Brazil Sen and fnatic
avg k0znit fan
what did your flair do last year? mine won 2 events
Sorry I don't watch That weak region
bro really said in another post that na and br is the best
deus 😡😡
Why is the deus at no 10? Flag and flair I guess
you are lucky I inserted him
less zekken mwzera pancada *
no bias fr
no one cares about tier 4 league
Zekken Trent Kingg Demon1 Ethan TenZ Pancada Aspas Less Jawgemo