like its free money and if fucking prx can stream so can ardiss!
EDIT TITLE is ass but i meant the franchise players from NA*
prx are just better, idk what else to tell u
nrg clears
pooper rex sadge
I dream of the day kang kang stream on twitch...
He streams on Youtube
thats a fake channel
jinggg and forsaken are ranked demons to begin with, they loves playing ranked. streaming to justify playing ranked
idk y none of the na dudes r streaming. The only big na streamers left in champs tho r s0m and fenis
even eg not streaming like ethan although he always playing ranked
fr tho its pretty cool everyone is playing together from different teams. would b cool if pro city was up soit can b similar to champs q from league
bcuz they lost scrim so not in the mood to stream kkkkkk
they dont want to get stream sniped
because they practicing for champs, out here playing how ever many hours of scrims a day. probably don't want to burn out at/right before champs